contributed by AUTHOR: Prof Anand Singh
(This model paper has been designed for practice purpose only and author and publisher have no legal obligations if the same questions appears in the university exam. )
(BTECH / MCA-3rd sem. )
Note : Few questions are extra which is not the part of BTECH Syllabus,
(Q 1)What is internet ? Explain the history of Internet?
(Q2)Write short note on following protocol of web,
(i). Http (ii). SMTP (iii). FTP (iv). Telnet (v ) Gopher
(Q3) write short note on
i. Broadband connection ii. Satellite Connection
(Q4) What is E-mail? What are the advantage of Email.
(Q5) Explain Vedio and Voice conferencing.
(Q6)What is Isp? How many types we can connect to the internet?
(Q7) Explain the following protocol.
i. SMTP ii. POP iii. TCP/IP iv. telnet
(Q8). Explain the netiquettes of email.
(Q9). What are the feature of object oriented programming Explain.
(Q10). What are the java buzzwords explain in brief.
(Q11).What are the different types of Data types found in java Explain with
Suitable example. Explain different types of variable found in java.
(Q12).write short note on .
i. java virtual machine. ii. Byte code iii. JRE iv. Garbage collector.
iv. java tokens.
(Q13). write the following program in java
i. to find factorial of a number
ii. to find the Fibonacci series
(Q14).Write a program in java to show the PUSH and POP operation in stack.
( Q15). What is the difference between abstract class and interface. Explain with
suitable example.
(Q16). What is Exception ? how you handle the exception in java. Give the partial
Hierarchy of exception. Give suitable example.
Q17. What is the difference between overriding and overloading a method? Explain with suitable Examples ?
Q18. What is the difference between implicit and explicit import statement ? Which one take less Time for compilation and why ?
Q19. What is multithreading ? Explain the life cycle of thread with suitable example?
Q20. What is Exception and Exception handling ? Explain with suitable example.
Q21.Write an application program in java to find the sum of the digits of a given number.
For example, if the given number is 12345, the sum of the digits is 1+2+3+4+5=15.
Q22.When do we declare a method or class abstract ? Explain with Example.
Q23.Write a java program to find the Armstrong numbers, the sum of the cubes of the individual Digits gave the same number. For example:
153=13 + 53+33=1+125+27=153
Q24. What is Stream ? What are different types of stream classes explain?
Q25 Design a class to represent account, including the following
Data members.
i. Name of the depositor------String
ii. Account Number--------int
iii. Type of account------double
a). To assign initial values (using constructor)
(b).To deposit an amount after checking balance and minimum balance is 50.
(c)To display the name of the depositor and balance.
Q26. Explain the following method ?
i. Suspend()
ii. Resume()
iii. Wait ()
iv. Notify()
v. notifyAll()
vi. yield()
Q27. Give the difference between following
i. final and finally
ii. super and this
iii. throw and throws
Q28.What is Wrapper class? Explain with example.
Q29. What is socket ? Explain client and server socket with example.
Q30. What is the difference between array and vector.
Q31 b) What is string differentiate between
vii. string and string buffer. (ii) equals and = =
Q32 .( i)What is applet ? What is the life cycle of Applet. Explain ?
( ii). Write a applet program and pass the parameter in it using PARAM TAG ?
Q33 ( i)Explain Inheritance , Encapsulation and Polymorphism ?
(ii).What is object and Class in java Explain with example?
Q34 (i) What is Exception Handling? What is the difference between checked and
Unchecked Exception?
(ii)Write a program in java to implement matrix multiplication?
Q35 What is Event ? how event handling is done java .Write a program to handle
the Event of Mouse?
Q36 Write a program in java to PUSH and POP in Stack.
Q37.What is Stream ? Explain the Stream classes with example.
Q38.What are Layout Manager ? Explain different types of layout manager?
Q39. What is JDBC. the different types of driver found in java ?
Q40 What is Swing ? how it is differ Explain from awt. Write a program to handle
Checkbox Event using swing.
Q41.Explain the following
i. DriverManager ii ResultSet iii. Connection iv. Class.forName().
Q42.Write a Java program to display the month names by JList and display the Days by JComboBox.
Q43 What is java Bean ? What are the advantages of java bean?
Q44 Write short note on following
Q45( i) Jar files (ii). Introspection (iii) Bound properties
Q46 What is RMI ? explain the architecture of RMI.
Q47. What is EJB ? what are the advantages of EJB.
Q48 . differentiate between
Q49. What are java servlet ? what is the life cycle of servlet.
Q50. What is Cookie ? why it is need to create it. Explain with example.
Q51. What is HTTP Redirect ? Explain with suitable example.
Q52. differentiate between
i doGet() and doPost(). ii Generic Servlet and HTTP servlet.
Q53 . write short note on JSP.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
contributed by AUTHOR: Prof Anand Singh
(This model paper has been designed for practice purpose only and author and publisher have no legal obligations if the same questions appears in the university exam. )
(BTECH / MCA-5th sem. )
Note : Few questions are extra which is not the part of BTECH Syllabus,
Q1. What are the qualities of good team members for a web project.
Q2. Define the following with suitable examples:
(i) Web applications
(ii) Target Users.
Q3.why was the need for cyber laws? Explain Indian cyber laws.
Q4.Explain various protocols governing the web.
Q5.Discuss the various factors which are to be addressed while designing websites for
Q6.What is team dynamic explain with suitable example.
Q7.Show the structure of an HTML page with some basic tags. Embed a table in it.
Give examples.
Q8 .Define CSS. What is the use of class and SPAN tag explain with example.
Q9. Discuss the design of railway reservation application using HTML
Q10.Develop an HTML and java script document to calculate the factorial of a
Given number.
Q11.Develop an HTML and java script document to evaluate the roots of a quadratic
Equations. Explain each step clearly.
Q12.Design a HTML page and java script code to check whether the entered number
Is prime or not.
Q13.How the growth of web has taken place in the past decade?
Q14.“There are certain protocols for communication between networks” Discuss?
Q15.Differentiate between core team members, extended team members and specialized team members?
Q16.What do mean by cross-functional team member?
Q17.Discuss the core skills required in web team formation ?.
Q18. What are the qualities of good web project.
Q19. Define the following with suitable examples:
i. market research
ii. web project.
Q20.what are international cyber laws? Explain
Q21. Explain the following protocol. i. http ii. Smtp iii. Tcp/ip iv. telnet v. gopher
Q22.Discuss the various factors which are to be addressed while designing websites.
Q23.What is team dynamic explain with suitable example.
Q24.explain sub and functional procedure in vbscript.
Q25. what is the difference between java and javascript.
Q26.differentiate between vbscript and javascript.
Q27.what are forms, how are forms are created for a website. What is the function of submit button on a form.
Q28. Discuss the design of railway reservation application using HTML.
Q29. Write javascript program that finds the smallest of given N integers.
Q30. your website requires some entries to be filled in by the visitor. These entries may be his or her name and password. So you are required to create a form how would you create such a form. Using javascript give the following validations on the form:
i. the name should not be numbers or special symbols and length of the name field should be 30 characters.
ii. the password field should have the size of 10 characters.
Q31 (.i)What is XML ?What are the feature of XML. how it is differ from HTML .
(ii).What is valid and well formed XML document. Explain with example ?
Q32.(i). What is DTD ? Explain with suitable example ?
(ii).What is parser ? explain DOM and SAX
Q33.What is ajax ? why do we use ajax in web application. How we make the
xmlHttpRequest object. Explain example ?
Q34.Write a HTML document with javascript to count the number of vowels in a text
Typed in a text area.
Q35. Write a program in java script to make a telephone directory .it has a select box
To select a name and find the phone number in text box.
Q36). What do mean by COLSPAN and ROWSPAN in table tag explain with example?
Q37 What are the advantage of using external style sheet? Explain with example.
Q38. What do mean by DTD ? why are they used.
Q39. differentiate between SAX and DOM parsers.
Q40. What do mean by valid and well form XML document ?Differentiate between XML and HTML .
Q41.What do you mean by AJAX ? write the code to create XMLHttpRequestObject.
Q42. What do you mean by an Event ? how event handling is done in javascript ?
Explain with example.
Q43. Write a javascript function int findsum(f) to find the sum of first n prime
Q44. Write a program in javascript to find the factorial of given number.
Q45. Write a program in javascript to generate the Fibonacci series.
Q46.Write short note on ASP?
Q47. Write a program in JSP to connecting to the Database?
Q48. How session is handle in JSP explain with example?
Q49. Write a program in JSP to access the JAVA BEAN ?
Q50. Write short note on
i. COM ii. DCOM
Q51. How file is uploaded in php explain with example ?
Q52. What is Error ? how Error handling is done in php explain with example ?
Q53. What is Filter ? how many type of filter finds in php explain with example ?
Q54. What is exception ? How exception can handle in php explain with example ?
Q55. Write a program to connect the php to Database using ODBC.
contributed by AUTHOR: Prof Anand Singh
(This model paper has been designed for practice purpose only and author and publisher have no legal obligations if the same questions appears in the university exam. )
(BTECH / MCA-5th sem. )
Note : Few questions are extra which is not the part of BTECH Syllabus,
Q1. What are the qualities of good team members for a web project.
Q2. Define the following with suitable examples:
(i) Web applications
(ii) Target Users.
Q3.why was the need for cyber laws? Explain Indian cyber laws.
Q4.Explain various protocols governing the web.
Q5.Discuss the various factors which are to be addressed while designing websites for
Q6.What is team dynamic explain with suitable example.
Q7.Show the structure of an HTML page with some basic tags. Embed a table in it.
Give examples.
Q8 .Define CSS. What is the use of class and SPAN tag explain with example.
Q9. Discuss the design of railway reservation application using HTML
Q10.Develop an HTML and java script document to calculate the factorial of a
Given number.
Q11.Develop an HTML and java script document to evaluate the roots of a quadratic
Equations. Explain each step clearly.
Q12.Design a HTML page and java script code to check whether the entered number
Is prime or not.
Q13.How the growth of web has taken place in the past decade?
Q14.“There are certain protocols for communication between networks” Discuss?
Q15.Differentiate between core team members, extended team members and specialized team members?
Q16.What do mean by cross-functional team member?
Q17.Discuss the core skills required in web team formation ?.
Q18. What are the qualities of good web project.
Q19. Define the following with suitable examples:
i. market research
ii. web project.
Q20.what are international cyber laws? Explain
Q21. Explain the following protocol. i. http ii. Smtp iii. Tcp/ip iv. telnet v. gopher
Q22.Discuss the various factors which are to be addressed while designing websites.
Q23.What is team dynamic explain with suitable example.
Q24.explain sub and functional procedure in vbscript.
Q25. what is the difference between java and javascript.
Q26.differentiate between vbscript and javascript.
Q27.what are forms, how are forms are created for a website. What is the function of submit button on a form.
Q28. Discuss the design of railway reservation application using HTML.
Q29. Write javascript program that finds the smallest of given N integers.
Q30. your website requires some entries to be filled in by the visitor. These entries may be his or her name and password. So you are required to create a form how would you create such a form. Using javascript give the following validations on the form:
i. the name should not be numbers or special symbols and length of the name field should be 30 characters.
ii. the password field should have the size of 10 characters.
Q31 (.i)What is XML ?What are the feature of XML. how it is differ from HTML .
(ii).What is valid and well formed XML document. Explain with example ?
Q32.(i). What is DTD ? Explain with suitable example ?
(ii).What is parser ? explain DOM and SAX
Q33.What is ajax ? why do we use ajax in web application. How we make the
xmlHttpRequest object. Explain example ?
Q34.Write a HTML document with javascript to count the number of vowels in a text
Typed in a text area.
Q35. Write a program in java script to make a telephone directory .it has a select box
To select a name and find the phone number in text box.
Q36). What do mean by COLSPAN and ROWSPAN in table tag explain with example?
Q37 What are the advantage of using external style sheet? Explain with example.
Q38. What do mean by DTD ? why are they used.
Q39. differentiate between SAX and DOM parsers.
Q40. What do mean by valid and well form XML document ?Differentiate between XML and HTML .
Q41.What do you mean by AJAX ? write the code to create XMLHttpRequestObject.
Q42. What do you mean by an Event ? how event handling is done in javascript ?
Explain with example.
Q43. Write a javascript function int findsum(f) to find the sum of first n prime
Q44. Write a program in javascript to find the factorial of given number.
Q45. Write a program in javascript to generate the Fibonacci series.
Q46.Write short note on ASP?
Q47. Write a program in JSP to connecting to the Database?
Q48. How session is handle in JSP explain with example?
Q49. Write a program in JSP to access the JAVA BEAN ?
Q50. Write short note on
i. COM ii. DCOM
Q51. How file is uploaded in php explain with example ?
Q52. What is Error ? how Error handling is done in php explain with example ?
Q53. What is Filter ? how many type of filter finds in php explain with example ?
Q54. What is exception ? How exception can handle in php explain with example ?
Q55. Write a program to connect the php to Database using ODBC.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
contributed by AUTHOR: Prof Gajendra Sharma
(This model paper has been designed for practice purpose only and author and publisher have no legal obligations if the same questions appears in the university exam. )
Note : Few questions are extra which is not the part of BTECH Syllabus,
Q1. Discuss the Analysis of Selection Sort Algorithm?
Q2. Execute the Merge Sort/ Quicksort on given data(data as provided)?
Q3. Give the Counting Sort Algorithm?
Q4.Show that n/k sublists , each of length k can be sorted by insertion sort in Ө(nk) worst case time?
Q5. Prove the following
(i) log(n!) = Ө(nlogn)
(ii) (n+a) pow(b) = Ө( n pow(b) )
Q6. Find each asymptotic of the following
(i) f(n) = n pow(10) ; g(n) = 2 pow( n/2)
(ii) f(n) = n pow(3/2) ; g(n) = n log(pow(2)) (n)
(iii) f(n) = log (n pow(3)) ; g(n) = log(n)
(iv) f(n) = log( 3pow( n)) ; g(n) = (log 2pow(n))
Q7. Prove using the asymptotic definition of theta notation
F(N) + G(N) = MAX( Ө (F(N), G(N))
Q8. Insert the following keys into an initially empty AVL Tree
30, 40, 24, 11, 13, 10, 58, 26, 48
Q9. Solve the Following Recurrence
(i) T(n) = T(n-1) + n 4
(ii) T( n) = T(n/2) + T (n/3 ) + n
(iii) T (n) = 3T ( n 1 / 3) + log 3 n
(iv) T ( n) = T (an) + T ((1-a)n) + n
Q10. Write HEAP-DELETE(A, i) which deletes the item in in node i from heap A..
Q11. Prove that the heap can be constructed in Ό(n) time.
Q12. Rank the following in the order of growth :-
(3/2)pow(n) , (2/3)pow(n), 2pow(2pow(n)) , e pow(n) , 2n!
Q13. Prove that any decision tree that sorts n elements has height Ω( nlogn)
Q14. Show that there are floor(3n/) – 2 comparisons are necessary for finding maximum and minimum of n numbers simultaneously.
Q15.Problems on INORDER, PREORDER, POSTORDER Traversal.
Q16. Construct a Binary Tree from the following
Q16. Write an algorithm for QUEUE using two STACKS.
Q17. In a 2-Tree if n(E) is number of external nodes and n(I) is the number of internal nodes then prove that n(E) = n(I) + 1, if E and I are external and internal path lengths and n is the number of internal nodes.
Q18 Prove that height of binary tree is logn.
Q19. Define RB-Tree and Give the algorithm for RB-TREE-INSERT
Q21. How do we AUGMENT the Data Structure , explain and give appropriate algorithms to prove it.
Q22. What do you mean by Dynamic Programming , explain with example.
Q23. Give the LCS Algorithm using Dynamic Programming.
Q24. Solve the following using TSP using the branch and bound Technique.
Q25. Give the GRAPH COLORING Algorithm.
Q26. Give the BFS/DFS Algorithm ?
Q27. Find the optimal solution to the knapsack instance and also give the greedy-knapsack algorithm
(P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7)=(10,5,15,7,6,18,3), (W1,W2,W3,W4,W5,W6,W7)= (2,3,5,7,1,4,1)
Q28. what do you mean by amortized cost , give the MULTIPOP Algoithm.
Q29. Show the result of inserting the following keys into an empty B-Tree
F, S, Q, K, C, L, H, T, V, W, M, R, N, P, A, B, X, Y, D, Z, E, G, I of order 5.
Q30. Define Binomial Heap and Give algorithm for BINOMIAL-HEAP-UNION?
Q31. Give the FIBONACCI-HEAP-DELETE Algorithm?
Q32. Define the following:-
Strongly Connected Graph, Articulation Points, Bridges
Q33. Give an efficient Algorithm to prove that the graph is Bipartite?
Q34. Give the Correctness of PRIM’s and KRUSKAL Algorithm
Q34. How Will you detect a CYCLE in the given graph , Give the Algorithm for it?
Q34. Give the NQUEENS Algorithm ?
Q35. Solve the given graph for finding MST and give its Algorithm?
Q36. Give the Belman Ford Algorithm ?
Q37. Modify the Floyd-Warshal Algorithm for detecting Cycle in the graph?
Q38. Solve the given graph for finding the Maximum Flow?
Q39. What is Bitonic Sorting Network, explain.
Q40. Explain Chinese Remainder Theorem
Q41. Give the Strassen’s Matrix Multiplication Algorithm ?
Q42. Define NP, NP-Complete and NP-Hard problem
Q43. Give the Subset Sum Algorithm.
Q44. What is Clique , prove that it NP Problem
Q45. Find the prefix of the following and give COMPUTE-PREFIX Algorithm
Q46. What is Convex Hul Give the Graham Scan’s Algorithm?
Q47. Give the RSA Cryptography Algorithm?
Q48. Give the Euclid Algorithm?
Q49. Give the FFT Algorithm?
Q50. Draw 11- item hash table resulting from hashing the keys 12, 4, 13, 88, 23, 94, 11, 39, 20, 16 and 5 using the hash function h(i) = (2i + 5) mod 11.
Q51. Define €-Approximation and Absolute Approximation?
Q52. Prove that in a k – ordered Binomial Tree there are at most k C I nodes at level I , where C represents Binomial.
(This model paper has been designed for practice purpose only and author and publisher have no legal obligations if the same questions appears in the university exam. )
Note : Few questions are extra which is not the part of BTECH Syllabus,
Q1. Discuss the Analysis of Selection Sort Algorithm?
Q2. Execute the Merge Sort/ Quicksort on given data(data as provided)?
Q3. Give the Counting Sort Algorithm?
Q4.Show that n/k sublists , each of length k can be sorted by insertion sort in Ө(nk) worst case time?
Q5. Prove the following
(i) log(n!) = Ө(nlogn)
(ii) (n+a) pow(b) = Ө( n pow(b) )
Q6. Find each asymptotic of the following
(i) f(n) = n pow(10) ; g(n) = 2 pow( n/2)
(ii) f(n) = n pow(3/2) ; g(n) = n log(pow(2)) (n)
(iii) f(n) = log (n pow(3)) ; g(n) = log(n)
(iv) f(n) = log( 3pow( n)) ; g(n) = (log 2pow(n))
Q7. Prove using the asymptotic definition of theta notation
F(N) + G(N) = MAX( Ө (F(N), G(N))
Q8. Insert the following keys into an initially empty AVL Tree
30, 40, 24, 11, 13, 10, 58, 26, 48
Q9. Solve the Following Recurrence
(i) T(n) = T(n-1) + n 4
(ii) T( n) = T(n/2) + T (n/3 ) + n
(iii) T (n) = 3T ( n 1 / 3) + log 3 n
(iv) T ( n) = T (an) + T ((1-a)n) + n
Q10. Write HEAP-DELETE(A, i) which deletes the item in in node i from heap A..
Q11. Prove that the heap can be constructed in Ό(n) time.
Q12. Rank the following in the order of growth :-
(3/2)pow(n) , (2/3)pow(n), 2pow(2pow(n)) , e pow(n) , 2n!
Q13. Prove that any decision tree that sorts n elements has height Ω( nlogn)
Q14. Show that there are floor(3n/) – 2 comparisons are necessary for finding maximum and minimum of n numbers simultaneously.
Q15.Problems on INORDER, PREORDER, POSTORDER Traversal.
Q16. Construct a Binary Tree from the following
Q16. Write an algorithm for QUEUE using two STACKS.
Q17. In a 2-Tree if n(E) is number of external nodes and n(I) is the number of internal nodes then prove that n(E) = n(I) + 1, if E and I are external and internal path lengths and n is the number of internal nodes.
Q18 Prove that height of binary tree is logn.
Q19. Define RB-Tree and Give the algorithm for RB-TREE-INSERT
Q21. How do we AUGMENT the Data Structure , explain and give appropriate algorithms to prove it.
Q22. What do you mean by Dynamic Programming , explain with example.
Q23. Give the LCS Algorithm using Dynamic Programming.
Q24. Solve the following using TSP using the branch and bound Technique.
Q25. Give the GRAPH COLORING Algorithm.
Q26. Give the BFS/DFS Algorithm ?
Q27. Find the optimal solution to the knapsack instance and also give the greedy-knapsack algorithm
(P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7)=(10,5,15,7,6,18,3), (W1,W2,W3,W4,W5,W6,W7)= (2,3,5,7,1,4,1)
Q28. what do you mean by amortized cost , give the MULTIPOP Algoithm.
Q29. Show the result of inserting the following keys into an empty B-Tree
F, S, Q, K, C, L, H, T, V, W, M, R, N, P, A, B, X, Y, D, Z, E, G, I of order 5.
Q30. Define Binomial Heap and Give algorithm for BINOMIAL-HEAP-UNION?
Q31. Give the FIBONACCI-HEAP-DELETE Algorithm?
Q32. Define the following:-
Strongly Connected Graph, Articulation Points, Bridges
Q33. Give an efficient Algorithm to prove that the graph is Bipartite?
Q34. Give the Correctness of PRIM’s and KRUSKAL Algorithm
Q34. How Will you detect a CYCLE in the given graph , Give the Algorithm for it?
Q34. Give the NQUEENS Algorithm ?
Q35. Solve the given graph for finding MST and give its Algorithm?
Q36. Give the Belman Ford Algorithm ?
Q37. Modify the Floyd-Warshal Algorithm for detecting Cycle in the graph?
Q38. Solve the given graph for finding the Maximum Flow?
Q39. What is Bitonic Sorting Network, explain.
Q40. Explain Chinese Remainder Theorem
Q41. Give the Strassen’s Matrix Multiplication Algorithm ?
Q42. Define NP, NP-Complete and NP-Hard problem
Q43. Give the Subset Sum Algorithm.
Q44. What is Clique , prove that it NP Problem
Q45. Find the prefix of the following and give COMPUTE-PREFIX Algorithm
Q46. What is Convex Hul Give the Graham Scan’s Algorithm?
Q47. Give the RSA Cryptography Algorithm?
Q48. Give the Euclid Algorithm?
Q49. Give the FFT Algorithm?
Q50. Draw 11- item hash table resulting from hashing the keys 12, 4, 13, 88, 23, 94, 11, 39, 20, 16 and 5 using the hash function h(i) = (2i + 5) mod 11.
Q51. Define €-Approximation and Absolute Approximation?
Q52. Prove that in a k – ordered Binomial Tree there are at most k C I nodes at level I , where C represents Binomial.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Requirement Of Systems Engineer At Cisco Systems Delhi Cisco Systems is hiring Systems Engineer
Experience in Years: 0-1 Years
City/Location: Delhi
Qualification: Any Graduate
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Associate/Sr. Associate -(Technical)
City/Location: Delhi
Qualification: Any Graduate
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Associate/Sr. Associate -(Technical)
Requirement Of C++ Developer At MS Technology DelhiMS Technology is hiring Software Developer. Overview:
Experience in Years: 1-3 Years
City/Location: Delhi
Qualification: B.Tech/B.E., M.Tech, MCA
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: C++ Software Developer
City/Location: Delhi
Qualification: B.Tech/B.E., M.Tech, MCA
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: C++ Software Developer
(Walk-In) Walk In Interview For BE / B.TECH / M.C.A Fresher At DCKAP Technologies ChennaiDCKAP Technologies is hiring Software Developer
Experience in Years: 0Year
City/Location: Chennai
Qualification: Any Graduate
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Fresher
City/Location: Chennai
Qualification: Any Graduate
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Fresher
Requirement Of PHP Programmers At eVenturers Solutions Pvt. Ltd PondicherryeVenturers Solutions Pvt. is hiring Software Developer
Experience in Years: 0-5 Years
City/Location: Pondicherry
Qualification: B.Tech/B.E., M.Tech, M.Sc.
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Software Developer
City/Location: Pondicherry
Qualification: B.Tech/B.E., M.Tech, M.Sc.
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Software Developer
Requirement Of Software Engineer At Krish Radiant Solutions HyderabadKrish Radiant Solutions is hiring Software Developer
Experience in Years: 1-3 Years
City/Location: Hyderabad / Secunderabad
Qualification: Any Graduate
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Software Developer
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Qualification: Any Graduate
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Designation: Software Developer
Requirement Of Senior Dot Net Devloper At MSI system India Pvt. Ltd Chandigarh MSI system India Pvt. Ltd is hiring Software Developer
Experience in Years: 1-3 Years
City/Location: Chandigarh
Qualification: Any Graduate
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Software Developer
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Qualification: Any Graduate
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Software Developer
Short Service Commissioned Officer In The Logistics Cadre Of Executive Branch Course Commencing – Jul 2011
Applications are invited from unmarried male and female candidates for grant of Short Service Commission (SSC) in the Logistics Cadre of Executive Branch of the Indian Navy for Course commencing Jul 2011 at the Indian Naval Academy (INA), Ezhimala, Kerala. Candidates to fulfil condition of nationality as laid down by the Government of India.
Age: 19½ to 25 years born between 02 Jul 1986 and 01 Jan 1992; (both dates inclusive).
Educational Qualifications:
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Age: 19½ to 25 years born between 02 Jul 1986 and 01 Jan 1992; (both dates inclusive).
Educational Qualifications:
A First Class Degree with minimum 60% aggregate marks for the following:
Requirement Of Sr. Software Engineer At Azri Solutions Pvt. Ltd HyderabadAzri Solutions Pvt. Ltd is hiring Software Developer.
Experience in Years: 1-4 Years
City/Location: Hyderabad / Secunderabad
Qualification: B. Tech/B.E.
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Software Developer
City/Location: Hyderabad / Secunderabad
Qualification: B. Tech/B.E.
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Software Developer
Requirement Of .Net Developers At InteractCRM MumbaiInteractCRM is hiring Software Developer.Overview:
Experience in Years: 1-4 Years
City/Location: Mumbai
Salary: Rupees 2,25,000 - 5,00,000
Qualification: Any Graduate
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Software Developer
City/Location: Mumbai
Salary: Rupees 2,25,000 - 5,00,000
Qualification: Any Graduate
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Software Developer
Engineers India Limited
Engineers India Limited
(A Govt. of India Undertaking)
1, Bhikaiji Cama Place, New Delhi 110066
Adv No:HRD/RECTT/ADVT/2010-11/04
Last Date of Submission of Application: 23.12.2010
Engineers India Limited, a premier engineering consultancy & turnkey contracting organisation executing projects in the fields of refineries, petrochemicals, pipelines, offshore, metallurgy, infrastructure & fertilizer etc., requires 80 nos. (tentative) Specialists / Professionals for various disciplines / departments:
Specialists / Professionals for various disciplines / departments: 80 Posts
Sub Surface Projects (Rock Mechanics/ Engg. Geology)
Construction (Safety/ Welding / Survey/Warehouse)
Plant Operations & Safety
Metallurgy (Technology/ Engineering & Construction)
HR (Training & Development / Administration)
City Gas Distribution
Finance & Accounts
Company Secretariat
(A Govt. of India Undertaking)
1, Bhikaiji Cama Place, New Delhi 110066
Adv No:HRD/RECTT/ADVT/2010-11/04
Last Date of Submission of Application: 23.12.2010
Engineers India Limited, a premier engineering consultancy & turnkey contracting organisation executing projects in the fields of refineries, petrochemicals, pipelines, offshore, metallurgy, infrastructure & fertilizer etc., requires 80 nos. (tentative) Specialists / Professionals for various disciplines / departments:
Specialists / Professionals for various disciplines / departments: 80 Posts
Sub Surface Projects (Rock Mechanics/ Engg. Geology)
Construction (Safety/ Welding / Survey/Warehouse)
Plant Operations & Safety
Metallurgy (Technology/ Engineering & Construction)
HR (Training & Development / Administration)
City Gas Distribution
Finance & Accounts
Company Secretariat
Friday, November 26, 2010
Immediate requirement at HCL for J2EE professionals, interview on monday 28/11/2010
contact 9910569079
contact 9910569079
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Requirement of Software Engineer at Virtuocity Solutions Pune
Requirement of Software Engineer at Virtuocity Solutions Pune
Virtuocity Solutions is hiring Technical Support Executive
Experience in Years: 1 - 3 Years
City/Location: Pune
Salary: Best in the Industry
Qualification: B.A - Any Specialization,B.Com - Commerce,B.Sc - Any Specialization,BCA - Computers PG - MCA - Computers
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Software Developer
Functional Area: Application Programming, Maintenance
Skills Required:
Any Graduate with MCA/BCA.
Knowledge of MS SQL, Crystal Reports, VB, SQL alerts and MS SQL Database administration.
Knowledge of any BI tool and Ramco ERP.
Carry out data migration/ preparation with help of consultants.
Job Description:
Basic data administration of MS SQL Database.
Develop add on modules, queries, reports from ERP.
To develop, modify reports in crystal reports.
Develop forms for dashboards using BI tool
Company Details:
Company Name: Virtuocity Solutions
Profile: Virtuocity Solutions is a fastest growing organized recruitment services in India which provides HR solutions to various customers and also having its presence in Gulf Countries, spanning a range of verticals.
Contact Details:
Company Name: Virtuocity Solutions
Contact Name: Ms Kavita
Email Id: kavita.p[at]
Phone: 27401464
Virtuocity Solutions is hiring Technical Support Executive
Experience in Years: 1 - 3 Years
City/Location: Pune
Salary: Best in the Industry
Qualification: B.A - Any Specialization,B.Com - Commerce,B.Sc - Any Specialization,BCA - Computers PG - MCA - Computers
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Software Developer
Functional Area: Application Programming, Maintenance
Skills Required:
Any Graduate with MCA/BCA.
Knowledge of MS SQL, Crystal Reports, VB, SQL alerts and MS SQL Database administration.
Knowledge of any BI tool and Ramco ERP.
Carry out data migration/ preparation with help of consultants.
Job Description:
Basic data administration of MS SQL Database.
Develop add on modules, queries, reports from ERP.
To develop, modify reports in crystal reports.
Develop forms for dashboards using BI tool
Company Details:
Company Name: Virtuocity Solutions
Profile: Virtuocity Solutions is a fastest growing organized recruitment services in India which provides HR solutions to various customers and also having its presence in Gulf Countries, spanning a range of verticals.
Contact Details:
Company Name: Virtuocity Solutions
Contact Name: Ms Kavita
Email Id: kavita.p[at]
Phone: 27401464
Requirement of Trainee Programmer at Bitwise Solutions Pvt Ltd Pune
Requirement of Trainee Programmer at Bitwise Solutions Pvt Ltd Pune
Bitwise Solutions Pvt Ltd is hiring Trainee Programmer
Experience in Years: 0 Years
City/Location: Pune
Qualification: B.Tech/B.E./M.Sc/PGDM/MCA
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Fresher
Functional Area: Application Programming, Maintenance
Skills Required:
Mandatory Skills
Good communication skills
Desired skills:
Knowledge of any RDBMS
Job Description:
Requirment understanding, Development using ABI, Maintenance of ETL applications using Ab Initio. Testing.
Company Details:
Company Name: Bitwise Solutions Pvt Ltd
Profile: BitWise is a growing Global Consulting and IT services group with companies in US, Australia and India. We consult and deliver solutions in domains such as Banking, Credit Cards, Financial Services, Insurance, Healthcare and Media. Our clients are mostly Fortune 500 companies and include 5 of the top 50. Our business model is unique in that we are not just India centric but instead believe in true global resourcing, resulting in far greater opportunities for our people to travel and live abroad. Speed, Expertise, Flexibility and Commitment have always been the core attributes of professionals at BitWise working on a variety of Web, Client Server and Mainframe platforms.We believe that a motivated and professional team of consultants together with an involved and employee friendly management are the key assets that enable us to meet and exceed customer expectations. To facilitate that, we offer a work environment that satisfies the intellectual and emotional needs of our consultants in addition to a compensation package comparable to the best in the industry and opportunity for travel/posting abroad. We need smart and result oriented professionals who are motivated by growth prospects and the urge to be in a position to make a difference. All positions offer unparalleled growth opportunities.
Contact Details:
Company Name: Bitwise Solutions Pvt Ltd
Bitwise World, Off International Convention
Center Senapati Bapat Road
PUNE,Maharashtra,India 411016
Click herer to Apply
Bitwise Solutions Pvt Ltd is hiring Trainee Programmer
Experience in Years: 0 Years
City/Location: Pune
Qualification: B.Tech/B.E./M.Sc/PGDM/MCA
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Fresher
Functional Area: Application Programming, Maintenance
Skills Required:
Mandatory Skills
Good communication skills
Desired skills:
Knowledge of any RDBMS
Job Description:
Requirment understanding, Development using ABI, Maintenance of ETL applications using Ab Initio. Testing.
Company Details:
Company Name: Bitwise Solutions Pvt Ltd
Profile: BitWise is a growing Global Consulting and IT services group with companies in US, Australia and India. We consult and deliver solutions in domains such as Banking, Credit Cards, Financial Services, Insurance, Healthcare and Media. Our clients are mostly Fortune 500 companies and include 5 of the top 50. Our business model is unique in that we are not just India centric but instead believe in true global resourcing, resulting in far greater opportunities for our people to travel and live abroad. Speed, Expertise, Flexibility and Commitment have always been the core attributes of professionals at BitWise working on a variety of Web, Client Server and Mainframe platforms.We believe that a motivated and professional team of consultants together with an involved and employee friendly management are the key assets that enable us to meet and exceed customer expectations. To facilitate that, we offer a work environment that satisfies the intellectual and emotional needs of our consultants in addition to a compensation package comparable to the best in the industry and opportunity for travel/posting abroad. We need smart and result oriented professionals who are motivated by growth prospects and the urge to be in a position to make a difference. All positions offer unparalleled growth opportunities.
Contact Details:
Company Name: Bitwise Solutions Pvt Ltd
Bitwise World, Off International Convention
Center Senapati Bapat Road
PUNE,Maharashtra,India 411016
Click herer to Apply
Requirement of Testing Engineer at Wipro Technologies at Pune
Requirement of Testing Engineer at Wipro Technologies at Pune
Wipro Technologies is hiring Testing Engineer
Experience in Years: 1 - 3 Years
City/Location: Pune
Qualification: UG - B.Tech/B.E. - Computers
Cateogry: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Testing Engnr
Functional Area: QA & Testing
Skills Required:
Qualification: BE / BTech
Experience: 1-3 YEARS
Skills: "Designed & Developed TDS & Test Plan in this subsystem for MULTIPLE features, OR was author for critical features in the subsystem. Could provide estimates after some investigation, could take up other feature in the subsystem"
Area of expertise: "Designed & Developed TDS & Test Plan in this subsystem for MULTIPLE features, OR was author for critical features in the subsystem. Could provide estimates after some investigation, could take up other feature in the subsystem"
Job Description:
Roles and Responsibilities: "Designed & Developed TDS & Test Plan in this subsystem for MULTIPLE features, OR was author for critical features in the subsystem. Could provide estimates after some investigation, could take up other feature in the subsystem"
Skill & Job Requirements: "Designed & Developed TDS & Test Plan in this subsystem for MULTIPLE features, OR was author for critical features in the subsystem. Could provide estimates after some investigation, could take up other feature in the subsystem"
Company Details:
Company Name: Wipro Technologies
Profile: We are the first PCMM Level 5 and SEI CMM Level 5 certified IT Services Company globally. We provide comprehensive IT solutions and services, including systems integration, information systems outsourcing, package implementation, software application development and maintenance, and research and development services to corporations globally.
In the Indian market, we are a leader in providing IT solutions and services for the corporate segment in India offering system integration, network integration, software solutions and IT services. In the Asia Pacific and Middle East markets, we provide IT solutions and services for global corporations. We also have a profitable presence in the niche market segments of consumer products and lighting.
Our ADSs are listed on the New York Stock Exchange, and our equity shares are listed in India on the Bombay Stock Exchange, and the National Stock Exchange. For more information, please visit our websites at and
Wipro Technologies is a global provider of consulting, IT Services, and outsourced R&D, infrastructure outsourcing and business process services. We deliver technology-driven business solutions that meet the strategic objectives of Global 2000 customers. With over 25 years in the Information Technology business, Wipro is the largest outsourced R & D Services provider and one of the pioneers in the remote delivery of services.
We deliver unmatched business value to customers through a combination of process excellence, quality frameworks and service delivery innovation. Wipro is the Woorld's first PCMM, CMM and CMMi Level 5 certified software Services Company and the first outside USA to receive the IEEE Software Process Award. We are the first services company to embrace Six Sigma, lean manufacturing and factory model concepts to software engineering.
We have a wide geographical diversity of operations with over 40 development centers and 10 near shore centers spread across India, Japan, China, Eastern Europe, France, Austria, Sweden, Germany, UK and USA.
Contact Details:
Contact Wipro Technologies
Job Code: T106283
Wipro Technologies is hiring Testing Engineer
Experience in Years: 1 - 3 Years
City/Location: Pune
Qualification: UG - B.Tech/B.E. - Computers
Cateogry: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Testing Engnr
Functional Area: QA & Testing
Skills Required:
Qualification: BE / BTech
Experience: 1-3 YEARS
Skills: "Designed & Developed TDS & Test Plan in this subsystem for MULTIPLE features, OR was author for critical features in the subsystem. Could provide estimates after some investigation, could take up other feature in the subsystem"
Area of expertise: "Designed & Developed TDS & Test Plan in this subsystem for MULTIPLE features, OR was author for critical features in the subsystem. Could provide estimates after some investigation, could take up other feature in the subsystem"
Job Description:
Roles and Responsibilities: "Designed & Developed TDS & Test Plan in this subsystem for MULTIPLE features, OR was author for critical features in the subsystem. Could provide estimates after some investigation, could take up other feature in the subsystem"
Skill & Job Requirements: "Designed & Developed TDS & Test Plan in this subsystem for MULTIPLE features, OR was author for critical features in the subsystem. Could provide estimates after some investigation, could take up other feature in the subsystem"
Company Details:
Company Name: Wipro Technologies
Profile: We are the first PCMM Level 5 and SEI CMM Level 5 certified IT Services Company globally. We provide comprehensive IT solutions and services, including systems integration, information systems outsourcing, package implementation, software application development and maintenance, and research and development services to corporations globally.
In the Indian market, we are a leader in providing IT solutions and services for the corporate segment in India offering system integration, network integration, software solutions and IT services. In the Asia Pacific and Middle East markets, we provide IT solutions and services for global corporations. We also have a profitable presence in the niche market segments of consumer products and lighting.
Our ADSs are listed on the New York Stock Exchange, and our equity shares are listed in India on the Bombay Stock Exchange, and the National Stock Exchange. For more information, please visit our websites at and
Wipro Technologies is a global provider of consulting, IT Services, and outsourced R&D, infrastructure outsourcing and business process services. We deliver technology-driven business solutions that meet the strategic objectives of Global 2000 customers. With over 25 years in the Information Technology business, Wipro is the largest outsourced R & D Services provider and one of the pioneers in the remote delivery of services.
We deliver unmatched business value to customers through a combination of process excellence, quality frameworks and service delivery innovation. Wipro is the Woorld's first PCMM, CMM and CMMi Level 5 certified software Services Company and the first outside USA to receive the IEEE Software Process Award. We are the first services company to embrace Six Sigma, lean manufacturing and factory model concepts to software engineering.
We have a wide geographical diversity of operations with over 40 development centers and 10 near shore centers spread across India, Japan, China, Eastern Europe, France, Austria, Sweden, Germany, UK and USA.
Contact Details:
Contact Wipro Technologies
Job Code: T106283
Requirement of Technical Support Associates at MPhasis Limited Pune
Requirement of Technical Support Associates at MPhasis Limited Pune
MPhasis Limited Website Designer
Experience in Years: 0 - 5 Years
Location: Pune
Qualification: Any Graduate
Salary: Rupees 1,75,000 - 3,00,000
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Sr.Technical Support Associate / Technical Support Associate - 25 Opening(s)
Functional Area: ITES/BPO/KPO, Customer Service, Ops.
Skills Required:
Interview Address :
EON Kharadi Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd. SEZ,
Gr. Floor, Wing 2, Cluster "C",
Kindly walkin for the interview between Monday to Friday ( 10 am to 3 pm), along with your updated resume
Job Description:
Technical process ( Voice )
Must be comfortable for 24*7 shifts
Graduate/ Diploma Holders ( NO EXP REQUIRED)
HSC passed + 2yrs of exp
Company Details:
Comapny Name: MPhasis Limited an EDS company
Profile: It's about what excites you most..
The passion for innovation?
The thrill of measuring up to the big challenge?
The fascination for an upbeat career growth?
Here is the opportunity
MphasiS is an EDS company that drives talent in creating a global footprint. Talent, passion and the will to excel is the winning combination we seek in delivering world-standard services through technology know-how, domain and process expertise.
MphasiS and EDS come together as one big company to provide integrated solutions involving Infrastructure Technology, Applications & Business Process Outsourcing capabilities. From Manufacturing, Financial services, Healthcare, Communications, Energy, Transportation, Consumer and Retail industries to Governments around the world, our client list features global players. We have over 130,000 employees spread over 64 offices across the globe helping clients increase their competitiveness
We work on a wide range of technologies that include Dot Net, Mainframes, AS/400, Java / J2EE, Testing, Oracle D2K / PLSQL, Pro*C / C, C++ / Unix, BA, ERP / SAP / PEOPLESOFT, DBA, Datawarehousing / COGNOS, BUSINESS OBJECTS / DATASTAGE / MICROSTRATEGY, Web Methods, EAI / Seebeyond / Siebel / Tibco, Open Systems, etc.
A career with MphasiS-EDS means:
Making the most of your special abilities as you contribute, succeed and grow with a dynamic company.
All-round skill enhancement and continuous learning.
Skill and knowledge enhancement on the job.
Transparent Work Environment
At MphasiS, an EDS company, we are committed to creating an environment where every employee feels valued and respected.
Contact Details:
Contact Name: Imran Raje / Chriss Varghese
Comapny Name: MPhasis Limited an EDS company
Phone: 66173051
MPhasis Limited Website Designer
Experience in Years: 0 - 5 Years
Location: Pune
Qualification: Any Graduate
Salary: Rupees 1,75,000 - 3,00,000
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Sr.Technical Support Associate / Technical Support Associate - 25 Opening(s)
Functional Area: ITES/BPO/KPO, Customer Service, Ops.
Skills Required:
Interview Address :
EON Kharadi Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd. SEZ,
Gr. Floor, Wing 2, Cluster "C",
Kindly walkin for the interview between Monday to Friday ( 10 am to 3 pm), along with your updated resume
Job Description:
Technical process ( Voice )
Must be comfortable for 24*7 shifts
Graduate/ Diploma Holders ( NO EXP REQUIRED)
HSC passed + 2yrs of exp
Company Details:
Comapny Name: MPhasis Limited an EDS company
Profile: It's about what excites you most..
The passion for innovation?
The thrill of measuring up to the big challenge?
The fascination for an upbeat career growth?
Here is the opportunity
MphasiS is an EDS company that drives talent in creating a global footprint. Talent, passion and the will to excel is the winning combination we seek in delivering world-standard services through technology know-how, domain and process expertise.
MphasiS and EDS come together as one big company to provide integrated solutions involving Infrastructure Technology, Applications & Business Process Outsourcing capabilities. From Manufacturing, Financial services, Healthcare, Communications, Energy, Transportation, Consumer and Retail industries to Governments around the world, our client list features global players. We have over 130,000 employees spread over 64 offices across the globe helping clients increase their competitiveness
We work on a wide range of technologies that include Dot Net, Mainframes, AS/400, Java / J2EE, Testing, Oracle D2K / PLSQL, Pro*C / C, C++ / Unix, BA, ERP / SAP / PEOPLESOFT, DBA, Datawarehousing / COGNOS, BUSINESS OBJECTS / DATASTAGE / MICROSTRATEGY, Web Methods, EAI / Seebeyond / Siebel / Tibco, Open Systems, etc.
A career with MphasiS-EDS means:
Making the most of your special abilities as you contribute, succeed and grow with a dynamic company.
All-round skill enhancement and continuous learning.
Skill and knowledge enhancement on the job.
Transparent Work Environment
At MphasiS, an EDS company, we are committed to creating an environment where every employee feels valued and respected.
Contact Details:
Contact Name: Imran Raje / Chriss Varghese
Comapny Name: MPhasis Limited an EDS company
Phone: 66173051
Requirement of PHP Developers (Freshers) at BioEnable Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Requirement of PHP Developers (Freshers) at BioEnable Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Pune
BioEnable Technologies Pvt. Ltd. is hiring Software Developer
Experience in Years: 0-1
City/Location: Pune
Salary: Rupees 1,00,000 - 2,00,000
Great work environment, Fast Appraisals,
Qualification: B.Sc, B.Tech/B.E., BCA, M.Sc, M.Tech, MCA
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Software Developer
Functional Area: E-Commerce, Internet Technologies
Skills Required:
Strong Knowledge & Exp of PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX
Ability to follow standards & produce Quality work
Passionate about Technology and be able to do Independent Delivery
Swiftness in Learning New technologies
Training for freshers
Job Description:
The Developers will be provided with excellent opportunity to work on various facets of Project Development from requirement specifications, analytis, coding, testing to deployment. You should be having good analytical mind & quick learning ability.
Company Details:
BioEnable is India's leading Software service provider of cutting edge technology & services based on Biometrics (Attendance), RFID, GPS (vehicle tracking) & Wireless RF tech. We have our customers in 50 cities in India and more then 30 countries.
Contact Details:
Company Name: BioEnable Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Contact Name: Mr Mahesh Ghatge
Venue: BioEnable Technologies Pvt Ltd
Office No. 203, 2nd Level
Cyber City Tower S4
Magarpatta City, Hadapsar
PUNE, Maharashtra, India
Contact No.: 91-20-65600600
BioEnable Technologies Pvt. Ltd. is hiring Software Developer
Experience in Years: 0-1
City/Location: Pune
Salary: Rupees 1,00,000 - 2,00,000
Great work environment, Fast Appraisals,
Qualification: B.Sc, B.Tech/B.E., BCA, M.Sc, M.Tech, MCA
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Software Developer
Functional Area: E-Commerce, Internet Technologies
Skills Required:
Strong Knowledge & Exp of PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX
Ability to follow standards & produce Quality work
Passionate about Technology and be able to do Independent Delivery
Swiftness in Learning New technologies
Training for freshers
Job Description:
The Developers will be provided with excellent opportunity to work on various facets of Project Development from requirement specifications, analytis, coding, testing to deployment. You should be having good analytical mind & quick learning ability.
Company Details:
BioEnable is India's leading Software service provider of cutting edge technology & services based on Biometrics (Attendance), RFID, GPS (vehicle tracking) & Wireless RF tech. We have our customers in 50 cities in India and more then 30 countries.
Contact Details:
Company Name: BioEnable Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Contact Name: Mr Mahesh Ghatge
Venue: BioEnable Technologies Pvt Ltd
Office No. 203, 2nd Level
Cyber City Tower S4
Magarpatta City, Hadapsar
PUNE, Maharashtra, India
Contact No.: 91-20-65600600
Requirement of Technical Recruiter at Triumph Systems Solutions Pvt Ltd Pune
Triumph Systems Solutions Pvt Ltd is hiring Technical Recruiter
Experience in Years: 0-2
City/Location: Pune
Qualification: Graduate
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Recruitment Exec.
Functional Area: HR / Administration, IR
Skills Required:
Responsible for hiring all Information Technology professionals in Application Development, Project
Management, Business Analysis, and Infrastructure across all business units
Identified, qualified, and evaluated key technology professionals to meet staffing requirements
Full life cycle recruiting: Consulting with hiring manger, manage job postings perform searches, interview and recommend best candidates, and negotiate salary.
Search for candidates on various Job-Sites (, & with the appropriate
Conducting preliminary interviews with candidates to ascertain their competencies, skills and aspirations
(based on work, position, salary and relocation etc)
Hiring the persons on the company's payroll, W2 (preferably)
Making the consultant agree to sign the documents called Non Solicitation Agreement and NSA before getting the project.
Negotiating Pay rates/ Negotiating salary and other facets of the hiring process, including relocation, travel, and expenses & closing.
Submission of resumes to clients and preferred vendors
Follow up and updating consultants on Interviews and closing the Reqs
Recruited for the positions of Managers, Architects, Business Analysts, Database Administrators, Programmers, QA Analysts/Testers, etc.
Specialized in Recruiting for Technology Skills Set, such as:
UNIX ,Web Content Management tools, such as Interwoven, Documentum, Vignette
Data Warehouse Tools, such as, Informatica, Cognos, Business Objects, Microstrategy, DataStage, AbInitio, etc.
Oracle, Oracle Applications, Hyperion Essbase, etc. SAP , People soft ,Client-Server and Object-Oriented Development (JAVA, Windows, C/C++)
Visual Basic, .Net ,SQL Server ,Informix , Sybase, SAS , Powerbuilder ,Siebel ,Network ,Quality Assurance, etc.
Job Description:
Selecting candidates who meet the particular needs of a client by interviewing, testing, performing reference checks and matching them to a job listing.
Ensures candidate is prepared for placement by providing job description and company specific information.
Arranging interviews for the right candidates with the clients.
Checking references and suitability of applicants before referral to employers for interview.
Informing candidates about the results of their interviews and preparing Feedback e-mail.
Developing a good understanding of what client companies do and their work culture and Building relationships with clients.
Company Details:
Established in 1998, TriumphSys has been witnessing unprecedented growth of more than 100 % since last 3 years. We are a team of 450+ Triumphants and the number keeps rising to ensure that we maintain the same growth for the time to come. With our quality and process consciousness, almost every customer opportunity has become a long term relationship for us.
TriumphSys already has a formidable presence in Mumbai, Vashi and Pune. Our growth plans for 2008-09 include expansion to more Indian cities, SEI CMM certification for its software development business and entering overseas markets of Singapore, Dubai and the US. We function in four major verticals viz, Training, Consulting for projects, Project Development and Resourcing. TriumphSys works closely with its customers, viz. Amdocs, Capgemini, E-Zest, Wipro, Tech Mahindra, 3i Infotech, Bajaj allianz, Renishaw (to name a few) to bridge the Skill gap in these organizations related to their specific projects. They look to us for providing professionals on various technologies such as J2EE, .Net, Data Warehousing, Business Intelligence, Legacy Systems, Quality Assurance etc. empowering them to achieve their Critical-To-Quality goals
Contact Details:
Company Name: Triumph Systems Solutions Pvt Ltd
Executive Name: Shubhra Mitra
Contact No.: 02066447090
Website: http://
Experience in Years: 0-2
City/Location: Pune
Qualification: Graduate
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Recruitment Exec.
Functional Area: HR / Administration, IR
Skills Required:
Responsible for hiring all Information Technology professionals in Application Development, Project
Management, Business Analysis, and Infrastructure across all business units
Identified, qualified, and evaluated key technology professionals to meet staffing requirements
Full life cycle recruiting: Consulting with hiring manger, manage job postings perform searches, interview and recommend best candidates, and negotiate salary.
Search for candidates on various Job-Sites (, & with the appropriate
Conducting preliminary interviews with candidates to ascertain their competencies, skills and aspirations
(based on work, position, salary and relocation etc)
Hiring the persons on the company's payroll, W2 (preferably)
Making the consultant agree to sign the documents called Non Solicitation Agreement and NSA before getting the project.
Negotiating Pay rates/ Negotiating salary and other facets of the hiring process, including relocation, travel, and expenses & closing.
Submission of resumes to clients and preferred vendors
Follow up and updating consultants on Interviews and closing the Reqs
Recruited for the positions of Managers, Architects, Business Analysts, Database Administrators, Programmers, QA Analysts/Testers, etc.
Specialized in Recruiting for Technology Skills Set, such as:
UNIX ,Web Content Management tools, such as Interwoven, Documentum, Vignette
Data Warehouse Tools, such as, Informatica, Cognos, Business Objects, Microstrategy, DataStage, AbInitio, etc.
Oracle, Oracle Applications, Hyperion Essbase, etc. SAP , People soft ,Client-Server and Object-Oriented Development (JAVA, Windows, C/C++)
Visual Basic, .Net ,SQL Server ,Informix , Sybase, SAS , Powerbuilder ,Siebel ,Network ,Quality Assurance, etc.
Job Description:
Selecting candidates who meet the particular needs of a client by interviewing, testing, performing reference checks and matching them to a job listing.
Ensures candidate is prepared for placement by providing job description and company specific information.
Arranging interviews for the right candidates with the clients.
Checking references and suitability of applicants before referral to employers for interview.
Informing candidates about the results of their interviews and preparing Feedback e-mail.
Developing a good understanding of what client companies do and their work culture and Building relationships with clients.
Company Details:
Established in 1998, TriumphSys has been witnessing unprecedented growth of more than 100 % since last 3 years. We are a team of 450+ Triumphants and the number keeps rising to ensure that we maintain the same growth for the time to come. With our quality and process consciousness, almost every customer opportunity has become a long term relationship for us.
TriumphSys already has a formidable presence in Mumbai, Vashi and Pune. Our growth plans for 2008-09 include expansion to more Indian cities, SEI CMM certification for its software development business and entering overseas markets of Singapore, Dubai and the US. We function in four major verticals viz, Training, Consulting for projects, Project Development and Resourcing. TriumphSys works closely with its customers, viz. Amdocs, Capgemini, E-Zest, Wipro, Tech Mahindra, 3i Infotech, Bajaj allianz, Renishaw (to name a few) to bridge the Skill gap in these organizations related to their specific projects. They look to us for providing professionals on various technologies such as J2EE, .Net, Data Warehousing, Business Intelligence, Legacy Systems, Quality Assurance etc. empowering them to achieve their Critical-To-Quality goals
Contact Details:
Company Name: Triumph Systems Solutions Pvt Ltd
Executive Name: Shubhra Mitra
Contact No.: 02066447090
Website: http://
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Requirement of Flex Developer at Metadesign Solutions Gurgaon
Metadesign Solutions is hiring Flex Developer
* Experience in Years: 1 - 5 Years
* City/Location: Gurgaon
* Salary: As per industry standards
* Qualification: B.Tech/B.E.
* Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
* Designation: Other
* Functional Area: Other
Skills Required:
* Experience in Adobe Flex and a strong coding fundamental is required.
* Knowledge of framework like Cairngorm or PureMVC is an added advantage.
* A little background in Java/J2EE will be a plus.
* Experience in Years: 1 - 5 Years
* City/Location: Gurgaon
* Salary: As per industry standards
* Qualification: B.Tech/B.E.
* Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
* Designation: Other
* Functional Area: Other
Skills Required:
* Experience in Adobe Flex and a strong coding fundamental is required.
* Knowledge of framework like Cairngorm or PureMVC is an added advantage.
* A little background in Java/J2EE will be a plus.
Requirement of Software Developer Crest Premedia Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Requirement of Software Engineer at Symphony Services Corp India Pvt Ltd Pune
Symphony Services Corp India Pvt Ltd is hiring Senior Software Engineer
* Experience in Years: 0 - 5 Years
* City/Location: Pune
* Qualification: UG - B.Tech/B.E. - Any Specialization PG - M.Tech - Any Specialization
* Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
* Designation: Software Developer
* Functional Area: IT-Other
Skills Required:
Reporting to the Program Manager, Simulation Science or to the appropriate Line Manager, the candidate will be responsible for the development, maintenance and integration of electromagnetic modules in the nonlinear finite element product, Marc and in the enterprise product, MD Nastran.
Direct Reports: None
Symphony Services Corp India Pvt Ltd is hiring Senior Software Engineer
* Experience in Years: 0 - 5 Years
* City/Location: Pune
* Qualification: UG - B.Tech/B.E. - Any Specialization PG - M.Tech - Any Specialization
* Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
* Designation: Software Developer
* Functional Area: IT-Other
Skills Required:
Reporting to the Program Manager, Simulation Science or to the appropriate Line Manager, the candidate will be responsible for the development, maintenance and integration of electromagnetic modules in the nonlinear finite element product, Marc and in the enterprise product, MD Nastran.
Direct Reports: None
System Plusm Logo
Requirement of Jr. Tester / QA at Systems Plus Solutions Mumbai
Systems Plus Solutions is hiring Junior Tester
* Experience in Years: 0 - 1 Years
* City/Location: Mumbai, Mumbai Suburbs
* Qualification: Any Graduate
* Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
* Designation: Testing Engnr
* Functional Area: QA & Testing
Skills Required:
* Knowledge in preparing test plan, test scenarios, test cases
* Fast grasping of functional knowledge’s.
* Knowledge of any automation testing tools like QTP, Load Runner (Optional)
Systems Plus Solutions is hiring Junior Tester
* Experience in Years: 0 - 1 Years
* City/Location: Mumbai, Mumbai Suburbs
* Qualification: Any Graduate
* Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
* Designation: Testing Engnr
* Functional Area: QA & Testing
Skills Required:
* Knowledge in preparing test plan, test scenarios, test cases
* Fast grasping of functional knowledge’s.
* Knowledge of any automation testing tools like QTP, Load Runner (Optional)
Monday, October 25, 2010
Recruitment of Clerical Staff in Oriental Bank of Commerce
Candidates are requested to apply online between 25.10.2010 and 24.11.2010 only through Bank’s website after payment of fee (as mentioned at column No. 7) in any of the Branches of Our Bank only. No other means/mode of application/Payment will be accepted.
Important Date:
OPENING DATE FOR ONLINE REGISTRATION : 25.10.2010 (24 hours open)
CLOSING DATE FOR ONLINE REGISTRATION : 24.11.2010 (Including those from far-flung areas)
PAYMENT OF FEES : 25.10.2010 TO 24.11.2010
Tentative DATE OF WRITTEN EXAMINATION : 09.01.2011
Note: Before applying candidates are advised to ensure that they fulfill the stipulated eligibility criteria. They should note that the Application fee once deposited will not be refunded or adjusted against any other project. Candidates are advised to fill in the particulars themselves online correctly.
Candidates are requested to apply online between 25.10.2010 and 24.11.2010 only through Bank’s website after payment of fee (as mentioned at column No. 7) in any of the Branches of Our Bank only. No other means/mode of application/Payment will be accepted.
Important Date:
OPENING DATE FOR ONLINE REGISTRATION : 25.10.2010 (24 hours open)
CLOSING DATE FOR ONLINE REGISTRATION : 24.11.2010 (Including those from far-flung areas)
PAYMENT OF FEES : 25.10.2010 TO 24.11.2010
Tentative DATE OF WRITTEN EXAMINATION : 09.01.2011
Note: Before applying candidates are advised to ensure that they fulfill the stipulated eligibility criteria. They should note that the Application fee once deposited will not be refunded or adjusted against any other project. Candidates are advised to fill in the particulars themselves online correctly.
Defence Ministry:
Administrative Officers, Grade-II
Department: Indian Navy, Ministry of Defence, Integrated Headquarters (Navy)
No. of Posts: 05 Posts
Salary: Rs. 9300-34800+ GP Rs. 4600
Age Limit: 30 years
Health and F.W. Ministry:
Specialists, Grade-II (Pharmacology)
Department: Non-Teaching Specialist, Sub-Cadre of Central Health Service, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
No. of Posts: 02 Posts
Salary: Rs. 15600-39100 + GP Rs. 6600
Age Limit: 45 years
Home Affairs Ministry:
Assistant Director (Scientific Aids)
Department: North Eastern Police Academy, Ministry of Home Affairs
No. of Posts: 01 Post
Salary: Rs. 15600-39100 + GP Rs. 5400
Age Limit: 35 years
Labour & Employment Ministry:
Training Officer (R&TV)
Department: Directorate General of Employment and Training, Ministry of Labour and Employment
No. of Posts: 01 Post
Salary: Rs. 9300-34800+ GP Rs. 4600
Age Limit: 35 years
Law and Justice Ministry:
Assistant Legislative Counsel (Hindi)
Department: Legislative Department, Ministry of Law and Justice
No. of Posts: 01 Post
Salary: Rs. 15600-39100 + GP Rs. 6600
Age Limit: 45 years
Mines Ministry:
Assistant Ore Dressing Officers
Department: Indian Bureau of Mines, Ministry of Mines.
No. of Posts: 07 Posts
Salary: Rs. 15600-39100 + GP Rs. 5400
Age Limit: 35 years
Water Resources Ministry:
Research Officers (Engineering)
Department: Central Soil and Materials Research Station, New Delhi, Ministry of Water Resources
No. of Posts: 10 Posts
Salary: Rs. 15600-39100 + GP Rs. 5400
Age Limit: 35 years
Research Officers (Scientific-Physics)
Department: Central Water and Power Research Station, Pune, Ministry of Water Resources
No. of Posts: 03 Posts
Salary: Rs. 15600-39100 + GP Rs. 5400
Age Limit: 35 years
Defence Ministry:
Administrative Officers, Grade-II
Department: Indian Navy, Ministry of Defence, Integrated Headquarters (Navy)
No. of Posts: 05 Posts
Salary: Rs. 9300-34800+ GP Rs. 4600
Age Limit: 30 years
Health and F.W. Ministry:
Specialists, Grade-II (Pharmacology)
Department: Non-Teaching Specialist, Sub-Cadre of Central Health Service, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
No. of Posts: 02 Posts
Salary: Rs. 15600-39100 + GP Rs. 6600
Age Limit: 45 years
Home Affairs Ministry:
Assistant Director (Scientific Aids)
Department: North Eastern Police Academy, Ministry of Home Affairs
No. of Posts: 01 Post
Salary: Rs. 15600-39100 + GP Rs. 5400
Age Limit: 35 years
Labour & Employment Ministry:
Training Officer (R&TV)
Department: Directorate General of Employment and Training, Ministry of Labour and Employment
No. of Posts: 01 Post
Salary: Rs. 9300-34800+ GP Rs. 4600
Age Limit: 35 years
Law and Justice Ministry:
Assistant Legislative Counsel (Hindi)
Department: Legislative Department, Ministry of Law and Justice
No. of Posts: 01 Post
Salary: Rs. 15600-39100 + GP Rs. 6600
Age Limit: 45 years
Mines Ministry:
Assistant Ore Dressing Officers
Department: Indian Bureau of Mines, Ministry of Mines.
No. of Posts: 07 Posts
Salary: Rs. 15600-39100 + GP Rs. 5400
Age Limit: 35 years
Water Resources Ministry:
Research Officers (Engineering)
Department: Central Soil and Materials Research Station, New Delhi, Ministry of Water Resources
No. of Posts: 10 Posts
Salary: Rs. 15600-39100 + GP Rs. 5400
Age Limit: 35 years
Research Officers (Scientific-Physics)
Department: Central Water and Power Research Station, Pune, Ministry of Water Resources
No. of Posts: 03 Posts
Salary: Rs. 15600-39100 + GP Rs. 5400
Age Limit: 35 years
Requirement of Software Engineer at OSSCube Delhi
OSSCube is hiring Software Engineer
Experience in Years: 1 - 5 Years
City/Location: Delhi/NCR, Mumbai
Qualification: Any Graduate
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Software Developer
Functional Area: IT-Other
Experience in Years: 1 - 5 Years
City/Location: Delhi/NCR, Mumbai
Qualification: Any Graduate
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Software Developer
Functional Area: IT-Other
Requirement of Java/J2EE Developer at Adsys India Bangalore
Adsys India is hiring Java/J2EE Developer
Experience in Years: 0 - 1 Years
City/Location: Bengaluru/Bangalore
Salary: Rupees 1,25,000 - 2,50,000
Qualification: Any Graduate
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Software Developer
Functional Area: Application Programming, Maintenance
Skills Required:
Experience summary:
any candidate having experience of 0-1 years will be eligible for this post.
Job Description:
Candidate must have strong knowledge of J2EE, J Script, individual or as a team member. the candidate having knowledge of JSP, EJB etc will be preferred.
experience of 0-2 years
Upload your resume to
Experience in Years: 0 - 1 Years
City/Location: Bengaluru/Bangalore
Salary: Rupees 1,25,000 - 2,50,000
Qualification: Any Graduate
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Software Developer
Functional Area: Application Programming, Maintenance
Skills Required:
Experience summary:
any candidate having experience of 0-1 years will be eligible for this post.
Job Description:
Candidate must have strong knowledge of J2EE, J Script, individual or as a team member. the candidate having knowledge of JSP, EJB etc will be preferred.
experience of 0-2 years
Upload your resume to
Requirement of PHP Wordpress Joomla Programmer at Wafy Technologies Pvt Ltd Chennai
Wafy Technologies Private Limited is hiring PHP Wordpress Joomla Programmer
Experience in Years: 0 - 5 Years
City/Location: Chennai
Salary: Rupees 60,000 - 3,00,000. Best in the industry
Qualification: Any Graduate
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Software Developer
Functional Area: Application Programming, Maintenance
Skills Required:
Good expertise in developing applications using PHP and SQL Server.
Should have proven expertise in developing applications using PHP, HTML, DHTML, CSS, JavaScript, Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, DNN, Oscommerce, XML and XSL.
Job Description:
The job involves:
Developing web applications.
Coding as per the given specifications and standards.
Analyzing existing code and documentation.
Experience in Years: 0 - 5 Years
City/Location: Chennai
Salary: Rupees 60,000 - 3,00,000. Best in the industry
Qualification: Any Graduate
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Software Developer
Functional Area: Application Programming, Maintenance
Skills Required:
Good expertise in developing applications using PHP and SQL Server.
Should have proven expertise in developing applications using PHP, HTML, DHTML, CSS, JavaScript, Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, DNN, Oscommerce, XML and XSL.
Job Description:
The job involves:
Developing web applications.
Coding as per the given specifications and standards.
Analyzing existing code and documentation.
Requirement of Software Engineer Trainee at Discoverture Solutions Bhuvaneshwar
Discoverture Solutions is hiring Software Engineer Trainee
Experience in Years: 0 - 1 Years
City/Location: Bhubaneshwar
Salary: Rupees 2,50,000 - 3,00,000
Qualification: B.Tech/B.E.
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Trainee
Functional Area: Application Programming, Maintenance
Skills Required:
Fresh Engg Graduate/MCA graduate
computer Sc/electrical/electronic (any technical feild)
minimum of 65% marks in graduation
Good communication skills
Experience in Years: 0 - 1 Years
City/Location: Bhubaneshwar
Salary: Rupees 2,50,000 - 3,00,000
Qualification: B.Tech/B.E.
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Trainee
Functional Area: Application Programming, Maintenance
Skills Required:
Fresh Engg Graduate/MCA graduate
computer Sc/electrical/electronic (any technical feild)
minimum of 65% marks in graduation
Good communication skills
Requirement of PHP Developer at W3 Solutions Pvt Ltd Delhi
Experience in Years: 0 - 2 Years
City/Location: Delhi/NCR
Qualification: UG - B.Tech/B.E. - Any Specialization PG - Other
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Software Developer
Functional Area: E-Commerce, Internet Technologies
Skills Required:
Experience with MVC framework will be a plus
Good knowledge of PHP & Mysql
Knowledge of Drupal, wordpress is an advantage.
Must have good analytical and problem solving skills.
Ability to work independently.
Experience in Years: 0 - 2 Years
City/Location: Delhi/NCR
Qualification: UG - B.Tech/B.E. - Any Specialization PG - Other
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Software Developer
Functional Area: E-Commerce, Internet Technologies
Skills Required:
Experience with MVC framework will be a plus
Good knowledge of PHP & Mysql
Knowledge of Drupal, wordpress is an advantage.
Must have good analytical and problem solving skills.
Ability to work independently.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Jobs ibn Mumbai
Requirement of Software Installer and Trainer at Shawman Software Pvt Ltd Mumbai
Shawman Software Pvt Ltd Mumbai is hiring Software Installer and Trainer
Experience in Years: 0 - 1 Years
City/Location: Mumbai
Salary: Rupees 1,00,000 - 2,00,000
Qualification: Any Graduate
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Customer Support Engnr/Technician
Functional Area: IT-Support, Telecom, Hardware
Skills Required:
Leading Softwarre company requires installers for softwarre across india & internationally. Fresh graduates will do but a candiate must have a passion for travel & training. Candidate from
Shawman Software Pvt Ltd Mumbai is hiring Software Installer and Trainer
Experience in Years: 0 - 1 Years
City/Location: Mumbai
Salary: Rupees 1,00,000 - 2,00,000
Qualification: Any Graduate
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Customer Support Engnr/Technician
Functional Area: IT-Support, Telecom, Hardware
Skills Required:
Leading Softwarre company requires installers for softwarre across india & internationally. Fresh graduates will do but a candiate must have a passion for travel & training. Candidate from
Requirement of Software Testing Trainee at Nex-G Exuberant Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Noida
Nex-G Exuberant Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is hiring Software Testing Trainee
Experience: 0 - 3 Years
Location: Noida
Education: Any Graduate
Industry Type: IT-Software/ Software Services
Role: Testing Engnr
Functional Area: Mobile
Skills Required:
Mobile Application Testing ,Functional & UI Testing, iPhone, BlackBerry, Symbian, Android platform based application testing, Good documentation and reporting skills
Nex-G Exuberant Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is hiring Software Testing Trainee
Experience: 0 - 3 Years
Location: Noida
Education: Any Graduate
Industry Type: IT-Software/ Software Services
Role: Testing Engnr
Functional Area: Mobile
Skills Required:
Mobile Application Testing ,Functional & UI Testing, iPhone, BlackBerry, Symbian, Android platform based application testing, Good documentation and reporting skills
Requirement of Network Testing Engineer at TEKsystems Bangalore
TEKsystems is hiring Network Testing Engineer
Experience in Years: 0 - 3 Years
City/Location: Bengaluru/Bangalore
Qualifcation: UG - Any Graduate - Any Specialization,Graduation Not Required PG - Any PG Course - Any Specialization,Post Graduation Not Required
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Testing Engnr
Functional Area: QA & Testing
Skills Required:
Testplan development and execution of test cases for the assigned features
Automate test cases using Perl and execute regressions for maintenance release.
TEKsystems is hiring Network Testing Engineer
Experience in Years: 0 - 3 Years
City/Location: Bengaluru/Bangalore
Qualifcation: UG - Any Graduate - Any Specialization,Graduation Not Required PG - Any PG Course - Any Specialization,Post Graduation Not Required
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Testing Engnr
Functional Area: QA & Testing
Skills Required:
Testplan development and execution of test cases for the assigned features
Automate test cases using Perl and execute regressions for maintenance release.
Requirement of Network Testing Engineer at TEKsystems Bangalore
TEKsystems is hiring Network Testing Engineer
Experience in Years: 0 - 3 Years
City/Location: Bengaluru/Bangalore
Qualifcation: UG - Any Graduate - Any Specialization,Graduation Not Required PG - Any PG Course - Any Specialization,Post Graduation Not Required
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Testing Engnr
Functional Area: QA & Testing
Skills Required:
Testplan development and execution of test cases for the assigned features
Automate test cases using Perl and execute regressions for maintenance release.
TEKsystems is hiring Network Testing Engineer
Experience in Years: 0 - 3 Years
City/Location: Bengaluru/Bangalore
Qualifcation: UG - Any Graduate - Any Specialization,Graduation Not Required PG - Any PG Course - Any Specialization,Post Graduation Not Required
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Testing Engnr
Functional Area: QA & Testing
Skills Required:
Testplan development and execution of test cases for the assigned features
Automate test cases using Perl and execute regressions for maintenance release.
Requirement of C# Developer at Symtrax Software Pvt Ltd Mumbai
Symtrax Software Pvt Ltd is hiring C# Developer
Experience in Years: 1 - 3 Years
City/Location: Mumbai, Mumbai Suburbs
Qualification: B.Tech/B.E.
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Software Developer
Functional Area: ERP, CRM
Skills Required:
You have:-
A Master, MTech or ME (in computing) or MCA
1 to 3 years of development experience
Symtrax Software Pvt Ltd is hiring C# Developer
Experience in Years: 1 - 3 Years
City/Location: Mumbai, Mumbai Suburbs
Qualification: B.Tech/B.E.
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Software Developer
Functional Area: ERP, CRM
Skills Required:
You have:-
A Master, MTech or ME (in computing) or MCA
1 to 3 years of development experience
Jobs in PHP
Requirement of PHP Developer at Dream Soft InfoTech Pvt Ltd Noida
Dream Soft pvt Ltd is hiring Php Developer
Experience in Years:1 - 2 Years
City/Location: Noida
Qualification: Any Graduate
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Software Developer
Functional Area: Application Programming, Maintenance
Skills Required:
Php ,Ajax & open source cms like word press , joomla ,x-cart etc
We are looking for exp php developers.
Dream Soft pvt Ltd is hiring Php Developer
Experience in Years:1 - 2 Years
City/Location: Noida
Qualification: Any Graduate
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Software Developer
Functional Area: Application Programming, Maintenance
Skills Required:
Php ,Ajax & open source cms like word press , joomla ,x-cart etc
We are looking for exp php developers.
Requirement of C++ Engineer at Paxcel Technologies Pvt Ltd Gurgaon
Paxcel Technologies Pvt Ltd is hiring C++ Engineer
Experience in Years: 1 - 2 Years
City/Location: Gurgaon, Mohali
Qualification: Any Graduate
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Software Developer
Functional Area: Application Programming, Maintenance
Skills Required:
Strong programming experience in C++ and Linux/ Windows.
A good understanding of OS concepts and Data Structure.
Excellent problem solving skills
Good hands-on experience with component debugging and performance tuning
Paxcel Technologies Pvt Ltd is hiring C++ Engineer
Experience in Years: 1 - 2 Years
City/Location: Gurgaon, Mohali
Qualification: Any Graduate
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Software Developer
Functional Area: Application Programming, Maintenance
Skills Required:
Strong programming experience in C++ and Linux/ Windows.
A good understanding of OS concepts and Data Structure.
Excellent problem solving skills
Good hands-on experience with component debugging and performance tuning
Recruitment of ASI and HC at CRPF: Last Date- 16.11.2010
Applications are invited from Male and Female candidates for the combatised post of Assistant Sub-Inspector (Stenographer-Grade-III) and Head Constable (Ministerial) in Central Reserve Police Force as per tentative vacancy position given below. The posts are temporary but likely to become permanent.
Assistant Sub Inspector (Stenographer):
No of Posts: 103 (UR-38, OBC-27, CS-22, ST-16)
Pay Scale: Rs.5200-20200+GP-2800/- (Minimum Rs.8,560/- P.M.)
Age Limit: 18 - 25 Years (As on 16.11.2010)
Qualification: Intermediate (10+2) or equivalent passed from recognized board or university.
Head Constable (Ministerial):
No of Posts: 273 (UR-18, OBC-22, SC-08, ST-120, Departmental-74, Ex-Serviceman-31)
Pay Scale: Rs.5200-20200+GP-2400/- (Minimum Rs.7,510/- P.M.)
Age Limit: 18 - 25 Years (As on 16.11.2010)
Qualification: Intermediate (10+2) or equivalent passed from recognized board or university.
Applications are invited from Male and Female candidates for the combatised post of Assistant Sub-Inspector (Stenographer-Grade-III) and Head Constable (Ministerial) in Central Reserve Police Force as per tentative vacancy position given below. The posts are temporary but likely to become permanent.
Assistant Sub Inspector (Stenographer):
No of Posts: 103 (UR-38, OBC-27, CS-22, ST-16)
Pay Scale: Rs.5200-20200+GP-2800/- (Minimum Rs.8,560/- P.M.)
Age Limit: 18 - 25 Years (As on 16.11.2010)
Qualification: Intermediate (10+2) or equivalent passed from recognized board or university.
Head Constable (Ministerial):
No of Posts: 273 (UR-18, OBC-22, SC-08, ST-120, Departmental-74, Ex-Serviceman-31)
Pay Scale: Rs.5200-20200+GP-2400/- (Minimum Rs.7,510/- P.M.)
Age Limit: 18 - 25 Years (As on 16.11.2010)
Qualification: Intermediate (10+2) or equivalent passed from recognized board or university.
Requirement of JAVA Software Developer at RedRock IT Solutions India Pvt Ltd
Red Rock IT Solutions India Pvt Ltd hiring JAVA Software Developer.
Experience in Years:1 - 3 Years
City/Location: Hyderabad / Secunderabad
Qualification: B.Tech/B.E./MCA
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Software Developer
Functional Area: Application Programming, Maintenance
Skills Required:
Strong knowledge on JAVA/J2EE, Struts, Hibernate, Spring, DB: Oracle & SQL Server, IBM Websphere(or any other app server)
Hands on experience in Design & Development of application programming using Java/J2EE.
Good Communication & written skills.
Red Rock IT Solutions India Pvt Ltd hiring JAVA Software Developer.
Experience in Years:1 - 3 Years
City/Location: Hyderabad / Secunderabad
Qualification: B.Tech/B.E./MCA
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Software Developer
Functional Area: Application Programming, Maintenance
Skills Required:
Strong knowledge on JAVA/J2EE, Struts, Hibernate, Spring, DB: Oracle & SQL Server, IBM Websphere(or any other app server)
Hands on experience in Design & Development of application programming using Java/J2EE.
Good Communication & written skills.
Recruitment of Scientists at DOEACC Centre Aurangabad: Last Date- 30.11.2010
Jt. Director (Admin & Finance),
DOEACC Centre,
University Campus Aurangabad (MS)- 431 004
DOEACC Centre , Aurangabad , a unit of DOEACC , An Autonomous Scientific Society of Department of Information Technology , Ministry of Communications and Information Technology , Govt. of India , New Delhi.
Job Description:
Scientist ‘D’
Number of Posts: 02
Qualification And Experience: BE/B.Tech or ME/M.Tech or recognised equivalent degree the field of Electrical/ECE/Instrumentation/Comp. Engg. or Science with minimum 60% marks.
Scientist ‘C’
Number of Posts: 03
Pay Scale: PB-3 Rs.15600-39100+GP Rs.6600
Maximum Age Limit: 35 Years
Qualification And Experience: BE/B.Tech with minimum 65% marks or ME/M.Tech or recognised equivalent degree in the field of Electrical/ECE/Instrumentation/Comp. Engg./Sc./M.Tech./Production or Ph.D.
Scientist ‘B’
Number of Posts: 06
Pay Scale: PB-3 Rs.15600-39100+GP Rs.5400
Maximum Age Limit: 30 Years
Qualification And Experience: BE/B.Tech with minimum 65% marks or ME/M.Tech or recognised equivalent degree in the field of Electrical/ECE/Instrumentation/Comp. Engg./Sc./M.Tech./Production or Ph.D.
Workshop Superintendent
Number of Posts: 01
Pay Scale: PB-3 Rs.15600-39100+GP Rs.5400
Maximum Age Limit: 30 Years
Qualification And Experience: BE/B.Tech with minimum 65% marks or ME/M.Tech or recognised equivalent degree in the Mechanical/Production.
Senior Technical Assistant
Number of Posts: 02
Pay Scale: PB-2 Rs.9300-34800+GP Rs.4200
Maximum Age Limit: 35 Years
Qualification And Experience: 1st Class (60%) Diploma in Electrical/Electronics/ECE/E&TC/Comp.
Number of Posts: 01
Pay Scale: PB-1 Rs.5200-20200+GP Rs.2400
Maximum Age Limit: 27 Years
Qualification And Experience: Matriculation or equivalent possessing shorthand speed of 100/80 w.p.m. Working knowledge of computer operation (DTP) is desirable.
Junior Assistant
Number of Posts: 02
Pay Scale: PB-1 Rs.5200-20200+GP Rs.1900
Maximum Age Limit: 27 Years
Qualification And Experience: Matriculation or equivalent with typewriting speed of 40 w.p.m. in English or 30 w.p.m in Hindi.
Co-Ordinator (Business Promotion)
Number of Posts: 01
Pay Scale: Rs.37000/-
Maximum Age Limit: 35 Years
Qualification And Experience: First Class (60%) MBA from a recognised university/Institution/PG Diploma.
Jt. Director (Admin & Finance),
DOEACC Centre,
University Campus Aurangabad (MS)- 431 004
DOEACC Centre , Aurangabad , a unit of DOEACC , An Autonomous Scientific Society of Department of Information Technology , Ministry of Communications and Information Technology , Govt. of India , New Delhi.
Job Description:
Scientist ‘D’
Number of Posts: 02
Qualification And Experience: BE/B.Tech or ME/M.Tech or recognised equivalent degree the field of Electrical/ECE/Instrumentation/Comp. Engg. or Science with minimum 60% marks.
Scientist ‘C’
Number of Posts: 03
Pay Scale: PB-3 Rs.15600-39100+GP Rs.6600
Maximum Age Limit: 35 Years
Qualification And Experience: BE/B.Tech with minimum 65% marks or ME/M.Tech or recognised equivalent degree in the field of Electrical/ECE/Instrumentation/Comp. Engg./Sc./M.Tech./Production or Ph.D.
Scientist ‘B’
Number of Posts: 06
Pay Scale: PB-3 Rs.15600-39100+GP Rs.5400
Maximum Age Limit: 30 Years
Qualification And Experience: BE/B.Tech with minimum 65% marks or ME/M.Tech or recognised equivalent degree in the field of Electrical/ECE/Instrumentation/Comp. Engg./Sc./M.Tech./Production or Ph.D.
Workshop Superintendent
Number of Posts: 01
Pay Scale: PB-3 Rs.15600-39100+GP Rs.5400
Maximum Age Limit: 30 Years
Qualification And Experience: BE/B.Tech with minimum 65% marks or ME/M.Tech or recognised equivalent degree in the Mechanical/Production.
Senior Technical Assistant
Number of Posts: 02
Pay Scale: PB-2 Rs.9300-34800+GP Rs.4200
Maximum Age Limit: 35 Years
Qualification And Experience: 1st Class (60%) Diploma in Electrical/Electronics/ECE/E&TC/Comp.
Number of Posts: 01
Pay Scale: PB-1 Rs.5200-20200+GP Rs.2400
Maximum Age Limit: 27 Years
Qualification And Experience: Matriculation or equivalent possessing shorthand speed of 100/80 w.p.m. Working knowledge of computer operation (DTP) is desirable.
Junior Assistant
Number of Posts: 02
Pay Scale: PB-1 Rs.5200-20200+GP Rs.1900
Maximum Age Limit: 27 Years
Qualification And Experience: Matriculation or equivalent with typewriting speed of 40 w.p.m. in English or 30 w.p.m in Hindi.
Co-Ordinator (Business Promotion)
Number of Posts: 01
Pay Scale: Rs.37000/-
Maximum Age Limit: 35 Years
Qualification And Experience: First Class (60%) MBA from a recognised university/Institution/PG Diploma.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Techie Job Fair
Experienced Techie JobFair on 25th September, at Delhi Tamil Sangam, RK Puram, New Delhi. If you are looking out for better Job opportunities, this is the event you shouldn't be missing.
Please click here to register yourself & to know more details about this event.
Contact Singapore is helping Indian professionals to relocate to Singapore & sharing the profiles of the interested candidates with the companies in Singapore.
If you're techie with 2 +years of experience & looking out for a change this is a place to be. Unlike other job fairs, SiliconIndia Job Fair is exclusively meant for IT professionals with experience. At the Job Fair, you can meet recruiters personally and discuss your employment opportunities.
Please do check JD's of the requirements for a better understanding .Please click the link below to register free for the event & click the company logo of the participating companies to know the detailed job description.
Please click here to register yourself & to know more details about this event.
Contact Singapore is helping Indian professionals to relocate to Singapore & sharing the profiles of the interested candidates with the companies in Singapore.
If you're techie with 2 +years of experience & looking out for a change this is a place to be. Unlike other job fairs, SiliconIndia Job Fair is exclusively meant for IT professionals with experience. At the Job Fair, you can meet recruiters personally and discuss your employment opportunities.
Please do check JD's of the requirements for a better understanding .Please click the link below to register free for the event & click the company logo of the participating companies to know the detailed job description.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Requirement of Android Developer at Dewinter Optical Inc Delhi
Experience in Years: 0 - 1 Years
City/Location: Delhi
Qualification: B.Tech/B.E./M.Tech/MCA
Catgory: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Software Developer
Functional Area: Application Programming, Maintenance
Skills Required
Good analytical skills.
Develop applications in Android frame work
Strong OOPs fundamentals, Java, XML, Eclipse, Android 1.5 and above, Good to have: Hands on with J2ME and other mobile tech
Should have worked on development kits,
Experience in Years: 0 - 1 Years
City/Location: Delhi
Qualification: B.Tech/B.E./M.Tech/MCA
Catgory: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Software Developer
Functional Area: Application Programming, Maintenance
Skills Required
Good analytical skills.
Develop applications in Android frame work
Strong OOPs fundamentals, Java, XML, Eclipse, Android 1.5 and above, Good to have: Hands on with J2ME and other mobile tech
Should have worked on development kits,
Requirement of C Programmers at AKS Software Limited Delhi
Experience in Years: 0 Years
City/Location: Noida
Salary: Rupees 3,00,000 - 4,00,000. PF & ESI benefits
Qualification: B.Tech/B.E./BCA/MCA
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Software Developer
Functional Area: Application Programming, Maintenance
Skills Required
Good Written English comm skills
High IQ, Energy, & Motivation levels
Hard Working & Exceptional
Excellent Aptitude for Programming & Logic Building
Willingness to
-- Work till late
-- Put in weekends if needed
-- Meet deadlines
-- Take challenges
Experience in Years: 0 Years
City/Location: Noida
Salary: Rupees 3,00,000 - 4,00,000. PF & ESI benefits
Qualification: B.Tech/B.E./BCA/MCA
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Software Developer
Functional Area: Application Programming, Maintenance
Skills Required
Good Written English comm skills
High IQ, Energy, & Motivation levels
Hard Working & Exceptional
Excellent Aptitude for Programming & Logic Building
Willingness to
-- Work till late
-- Put in weekends if needed
-- Meet deadlines
-- Take challenges
GEOVAS Technologies Pvt Ltd
GEOVAS Technologies Pvt Ltd is hiring Software Engineer
Experience in Years: 0 - 1 Years
City/Location: Bengaluru/Bangalore
Salary: Compensation not an issue for the right candidate.
Qualification: B.Tech/B.E./MCA
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Software Developer
Functional Area: Application Programming, Maintenance
Skills Required
Knowledge of Design & Develop the Technical solutions in Microsoft.Net windows/ web Technologies such as .net frame work 2.0/3.5, SQL server. 2005 / 2008, and & .net Development. Knowledge of,, & C# Programming.
Experience in Years: 0 - 1 Years
City/Location: Bengaluru/Bangalore
Salary: Compensation not an issue for the right candidate.
Qualification: B.Tech/B.E./MCA
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Software Developer
Functional Area: Application Programming, Maintenance
Skills Required
Knowledge of Design & Develop the Technical solutions in Microsoft.Net windows/ web Technologies such as .net frame work 2.0/3.5, SQL server. 2005 / 2008, and & .net Development. Knowledge of,, & C# Programming.
Indian Air Force
Indian Air Force, IAF, Invites applications from bright young Men and Women to join the Operational Support Group of Indian Air Force as Permanent/Short Service Commissioned Officers the following courses. 130th Ground Duty Officers’ Course (GDOC) for Men 23rd Short Service Commission (SSC) Course for Men 39th Short Service Commission (SSC) Course for Women Course commencing July 2011 at Air Force Academy, Hyderabad-Andhra Pradesh.
1. Administration & Logistics
Qualification : Graduation or Post Graduation in Art, Science, Commerce, Management, Engineering or LLB from a recognized university.
2. Accounts
Qualification : Graduation or PG in Commerce or ICWA or CA with B.Com/M.Com. from a recognized university.
3. Meteorology
Qualification : PG in Science, Geography or MCA (Physics and Maths should be at Graduate level
1. Administration & Logistics
Qualification : Graduation or Post Graduation in Art, Science, Commerce, Management, Engineering or LLB from a recognized university.
2. Accounts
Qualification : Graduation or PG in Commerce or ICWA or CA with B.Com/M.Com. from a recognized university.
3. Meteorology
Qualification : PG in Science, Geography or MCA (Physics and Maths should be at Graduate level
National Alumunium Company
M & R Complex, Damanjodi, Dist: Koraput-763008 (Orissa), INVITES APPLICATION FOR THE FOLLOWING POSTS:
Junior Operative Trainees (JOT)
No of Post : 240 posts (UR– 135, SC –39, ST – 55, OBC – 11) (PH-08, Ex-SM-24),
Essential Qualification : HSC with ITI/NCTVT in relevant subject,
Age Limit : Maximum 27 years as on 1st September 2010. Relaxation in age to Exservice men will be given as per Govt. guideline.
Scale of Pay : Rs. 3500/- per month for the first year and Rs. 3700/- per month for remaining period of training. On satisfactory completion of training, will be considered in the pay scale of Rs. Rs. 4925-3.5%-9150/- plus other allowances applicable to the grade from time to time.
Laboratory Assistant Gr. III
No of Post : 02 posts (UR –1, ST–1),
Essential Qualification : B. Sc. (Honors) in Chemistry.
Age Limit : Maximum 35 years as on 1st September 2010. Relaxation in age to Exservice men will be given as per Govt. guideline.
Scale of Pay : Rs. 4925-3.5%-9150/- plus other allowances applicable to the grade from time to time.
Geology Assistant Gr. III
No of Post : 02 posts (UR –1, ST–1),
Essential Qualification : B. Sc. (Honors) in Geology.
Age Limit : Maximum 35 years as on 1st September 2010. Relaxation in age to Exservice men will be given as per Govt. guideline.
Scale of Pay : Rs. 4925-3.5%-9150/- plus other allowances applicable to the grade from time to time.
Junior Operative Trainees (JOT)
No of Post : 240 posts (UR– 135, SC –39, ST – 55, OBC – 11) (PH-08, Ex-SM-24),
Essential Qualification : HSC with ITI/NCTVT in relevant subject,
Age Limit : Maximum 27 years as on 1st September 2010. Relaxation in age to Exservice men will be given as per Govt. guideline.
Scale of Pay : Rs. 3500/- per month for the first year and Rs. 3700/- per month for remaining period of training. On satisfactory completion of training, will be considered in the pay scale of Rs. Rs. 4925-3.5%-9150/- plus other allowances applicable to the grade from time to time.
Laboratory Assistant Gr. III
No of Post : 02 posts (UR –1, ST–1),
Essential Qualification : B. Sc. (Honors) in Chemistry.
Age Limit : Maximum 35 years as on 1st September 2010. Relaxation in age to Exservice men will be given as per Govt. guideline.
Scale of Pay : Rs. 4925-3.5%-9150/- plus other allowances applicable to the grade from time to time.
Geology Assistant Gr. III
No of Post : 02 posts (UR –1, ST–1),
Essential Qualification : B. Sc. (Honors) in Geology.
Age Limit : Maximum 35 years as on 1st September 2010. Relaxation in age to Exservice men will be given as per Govt. guideline.
Scale of Pay : Rs. 4925-3.5%-9150/- plus other allowances applicable to the grade from time to time.
Scientist ‘B’ (Rs. 15,600-39,100/- & Grade Pay 5,400/-) : (SC-07 and ST-18)
Essential: At least first class Master's Degree in Science Subjects or at least first class Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or Technology from a recognised University or equivalent.
Desirable: Knowledge of Chinese, French, Russian, German or Japanese foreign language.
AGE LIMIIT (as on closing date of advertisement):
(a) Not exceeding 33 years (Including 5 years relaxation as per Government rules).
(b) Age is relaxed upto 5 years for Central Govt employees as per rules. Age is also relaxable for Armed Forces personnel/Ex-Serviceman and Short Service Commission Officers as per rules in vogue.
Scientist ‘B’ (Rs. 15,600-39,100/- & Grade Pay 5,400/-) : (SC-07 and ST-18)
Essential: At least first class Master's Degree in Science Subjects or at least first class Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or Technology from a recognised University or equivalent.
Desirable: Knowledge of Chinese, French, Russian, German or Japanese foreign language.
AGE LIMIIT (as on closing date of advertisement):
(a) Not exceeding 33 years (Including 5 years relaxation as per Government rules).
(b) Age is relaxed upto 5 years for Central Govt employees as per rules. Age is also relaxable for Armed Forces personnel/Ex-Serviceman and Short Service Commission Officers as per rules in vogue.
Requirement of Web Designer at CapStone BPO Private Limited Delhi
CapStone BPO Private Limited is hiring Web Designer
Experience in Years: 1 - 6 Years
City/Location: Delhi
Qualification: Any Graduate
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Web Designer
Functional Area: Web, Graphic Design, Visualiser
Skills Required:
Design Websites of International Standards - Web 2.0 Style
Experience in Years: 1 - 6 Years
City/Location: Delhi
Qualification: Any Graduate
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Web Designer
Functional Area: Web, Graphic Design, Visualiser
Skills Required:
Design Websites of International Standards - Web 2.0 Style
Requirement of iPhone Developer at Imomentous Hyderabad
Requirement of iPhone Developer at Imomentous Hyderabad
Imomentous is hiring iPhone Developer
Experience in Years: 1 - 5 Years
City/Location: Hyderabad / Secunderabad
Qualification: B.Tech/B.E./MCA
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Software Developer
Functional Area: Mobile
Skills Required:
Excellent communication skills, Ability to adapt to new development processes and changing business requirements
Experience working in fast-paced, collaborative, team-oriented environments,Passion for the customer and technology
Imomentous is hiring iPhone Developer
Experience in Years: 1 - 5 Years
City/Location: Hyderabad / Secunderabad
Qualification: B.Tech/B.E./MCA
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Software Developer
Functional Area: Mobile
Skills Required:
Excellent communication skills, Ability to adapt to new development processes and changing business requirements
Experience working in fast-paced, collaborative, team-oriented environments,Passion for the customer and technology
Monday, September 20, 2010
Recruitment for Various Posts by Haryana SSC: Advt No 3/2010 Sept 2010
Haryana Staff Selection Commission
Bay No 67-70, Sector-2
Advt No 3/2010 Sept 2010
Haryana Staff Selection Commission invites Applications through Registered Post for the under mentioned posts on the prescribed application form. The candidates should specify on the top of the envelope the word - Advt. No., Name and Category of the post applied for :
Inspector (Food & Supplies) : 15 posts in Director Food & Supplies Department, Haryana
Inspector Legal Meterology : 02 posts in Director Food & Supplies Department, Haryana
Laboratory Attendant : 35 posts in Health Department
Wild Life Guard : 20 posts in Addl. PCCF, Wild Life Pankula, Haryana
Excise Inspector : 09 posts in Excise & Taxation Deptt.
Taxation Inspector : 26 posts in Excise & Taxation Deptt.
Computer Operator cum Clerk : 21 posts in Haryana State Agriculture Marketing Board
Statistical Assistant : 03 posts in Animal Husbandry & Dairying Department
Electrician : 02 post in Printing & Stationary Deptt.
Assistant research Officer : 01 post in Land Record Department
Plumber : 07 posts in Director General Health Services
Laboratory Technician : 18 posts in Director ESI Health Care
Assistant Draftsman (Civil) : 21 posts in Engineer-in-Chief, Haryana PWD B&R Branch
Draftsman : 23 posts in Chieg Engineer Pachayati Raj, Public Works Deptt.
Master Harmonium Player : 01 post in Public Relations & Cultural Affairs Department
Master Sarangi Player : 01 post in Public Relations & Cultural Affairs Department
Assistant Research Officer/ Assistant District Statistical Officers/ Scruitiny Inspector/ research Assistant : 07 posts in Economics & Statistical Analysis
Statistical Assistant/ Inspector (NSS)/ Investigator : 03 posts in Economics & Statistical Analysis
Field Assistant : 33 posts in Economics & Statistical Analysis
Technical Assistant (Junior) : 07 posts in Industrial Training and Vocational Education Department
Assistant Manager (IA) : 25 posts in Haryana State Industrial & Infrastructure Dev. Corporation Ltd.
Junior Scale Stenographer : 01 post in Haryana Seed Development Corporation
Dispenser Ayurveda : 71 posts in Director Ayush, Haryana
Dispenser Unani : 03 posts in Director Ayush, Haryana
Dispenser Homeopathy : 02 posts in Director Ayush, Haryana
Various Departments/ Boards & Corporations
Steno-Typist (Hindi) : 102 posts
Steno-Typist (English) : 109 posts
Steno-Typist (Both Language) : 179 post
Junior Scale Stenographer (Hindi) : 05 posts
Junior Scale Stenographer (English) : 12 posts
Junior Scale Stenographer (Both Language) : 05 posts
Senior Scale Stenographer (English) : 09 posts
Senior Scale Stenographer (Both Language) : 18 posts
Bay No 67-70, Sector-2
Advt No 3/2010 Sept 2010
Haryana Staff Selection Commission invites Applications through Registered Post for the under mentioned posts on the prescribed application form. The candidates should specify on the top of the envelope the word - Advt. No., Name and Category of the post applied for :
Inspector (Food & Supplies) : 15 posts in Director Food & Supplies Department, Haryana
Inspector Legal Meterology : 02 posts in Director Food & Supplies Department, Haryana
Laboratory Attendant : 35 posts in Health Department
Wild Life Guard : 20 posts in Addl. PCCF, Wild Life Pankula, Haryana
Excise Inspector : 09 posts in Excise & Taxation Deptt.
Taxation Inspector : 26 posts in Excise & Taxation Deptt.
Computer Operator cum Clerk : 21 posts in Haryana State Agriculture Marketing Board
Statistical Assistant : 03 posts in Animal Husbandry & Dairying Department
Electrician : 02 post in Printing & Stationary Deptt.
Assistant research Officer : 01 post in Land Record Department
Plumber : 07 posts in Director General Health Services
Laboratory Technician : 18 posts in Director ESI Health Care
Assistant Draftsman (Civil) : 21 posts in Engineer-in-Chief, Haryana PWD B&R Branch
Draftsman : 23 posts in Chieg Engineer Pachayati Raj, Public Works Deptt.
Master Harmonium Player : 01 post in Public Relations & Cultural Affairs Department
Master Sarangi Player : 01 post in Public Relations & Cultural Affairs Department
Assistant Research Officer/ Assistant District Statistical Officers/ Scruitiny Inspector/ research Assistant : 07 posts in Economics & Statistical Analysis
Statistical Assistant/ Inspector (NSS)/ Investigator : 03 posts in Economics & Statistical Analysis
Field Assistant : 33 posts in Economics & Statistical Analysis
Technical Assistant (Junior) : 07 posts in Industrial Training and Vocational Education Department
Assistant Manager (IA) : 25 posts in Haryana State Industrial & Infrastructure Dev. Corporation Ltd.
Junior Scale Stenographer : 01 post in Haryana Seed Development Corporation
Dispenser Ayurveda : 71 posts in Director Ayush, Haryana
Dispenser Unani : 03 posts in Director Ayush, Haryana
Dispenser Homeopathy : 02 posts in Director Ayush, Haryana
Various Departments/ Boards & Corporations
Steno-Typist (Hindi) : 102 posts
Steno-Typist (English) : 109 posts
Steno-Typist (Both Language) : 179 post
Junior Scale Stenographer (Hindi) : 05 posts
Junior Scale Stenographer (English) : 12 posts
Junior Scale Stenographer (Both Language) : 05 posts
Senior Scale Stenographer (English) : 09 posts
Senior Scale Stenographer (Both Language) : 18 posts
Requirement of PHP Developer at BioEnable Technologies Pvt. Ltd Pune
BioEnable Technologies Pvt. Ltd is hiring PHP Developer
Experience in Years: 0 - 1 Years
City/Location: Pune
Salary: Rupees 1,00,000 - 2,00,000. Great work environment, Fast Appraisals,
Qualification: B.Sc/B.Tech/B.E./BCA/M.Sc/M.Tech/MCA
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Software Developer
Functional Area: E-Commerce, Internet Technologies
Skills Required:
Strong Knowledge & Exp of PHP,MySQL, HTML,CSS,JavaScript,AJAX
Ability to follow standards & produce Quality work- Passionate about Technology and be able to do Independent Delivery
Swiftness in Learning New technologies
Traing 4 freshrs
Experience in Years: 0 - 1 Years
City/Location: Pune
Salary: Rupees 1,00,000 - 2,00,000. Great work environment, Fast Appraisals,
Qualification: B.Sc/B.Tech/B.E./BCA/M.Sc/M.Tech/MCA
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Software Developer
Functional Area: E-Commerce, Internet Technologies
Skills Required:
Strong Knowledge & Exp of PHP,MySQL, HTML,CSS,JavaScript,AJAX
Ability to follow standards & produce Quality work- Passionate about Technology and be able to do Independent Delivery
Swiftness in Learning New technologies
Traing 4 freshrs
Requirement of Software Engineer at Acumen Software Technologies Limited Delhi
Acumen Software Technologies Limited is hiring Software Engineer
Experience in Years: 0 Years
City/Location: Delhi/NCR
Salary: Rupees 2,25,000 - 2,50,000
Qualification: B.Tech/B.E.
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Software Developer
Functional Area: Application Programming, Maintenance
Skills Required:
Freshers who are Btech,MCAs,M.Sc.(IT), MBA(systems) from 2008,2009,2010 batches with an academic record of first class throughout career can apply.
Job Description:
To support its expansion plans in India and globally, ASTL is expanding operations and is recruiting freshers as software engineer trainees. Selected candidates shall have to undergo a training program of six months and after successful completion shall be inducted into the organisation and deployed on ongoing projects of the company as java software developers at ASTL’s Delhi development and delivery centre and other development centres across India or offshore and shall report to the Team leader.
Experience in Years: 0 Years
City/Location: Delhi/NCR
Salary: Rupees 2,25,000 - 2,50,000
Qualification: B.Tech/B.E.
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Software Developer
Functional Area: Application Programming, Maintenance
Skills Required:
Freshers who are Btech,MCAs,M.Sc.(IT), MBA(systems) from 2008,2009,2010 batches with an academic record of first class throughout career can apply.
Job Description:
To support its expansion plans in India and globally, ASTL is expanding operations and is recruiting freshers as software engineer trainees. Selected candidates shall have to undergo a training program of six months and after successful completion shall be inducted into the organisation and deployed on ongoing projects of the company as java software developers at ASTL’s Delhi development and delivery centre and other development centres across India or offshore and shall report to the Team leader.
Requirement of Software Engineer at Cisco Systems (India) Pvt Ltd Bangalore
Cisco Systems India Pvt Ltd is hiring Software Engineer
Experience in Years: 0 - 4 Years
City/Location: Bengaluru/Bangalore
Qualfication: Any Graduate
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Software Developer
Functional Area: Systems, EDP, MIS
Skills Required:
Typically requires BSEE/CS or equivalent training with 0-2+ yrs related experience.Limited use and/or application of basic networking theories and concepts. Requires knowledge in one or more of the following LAN/WAN protocols: Ethernet, Token Ring, FDDI, HDLC, SDLC, X.25, PPP, Frame Relay, SS7, ISDN, TCP/IP, IPX, DECnet and AppleTalk. Requires knowledge of one or more of the following technologies: ATM Switching, Tag Switching, Voice/Video over IP or ATM. Strong UNIX, C (or C++), and script programming experience is essential. Experience in developing internetworking applications in a UNIX / Solaris / Windows NT development environment. Understand underlying networking technology of the related projects. Ability to solve routine problems at the module or multiple module level, based on knowledge of debugging and testing concepts. Proficiency with test equipment. Works under direction of a Team Lead or Manager. Follows specific, detailed instructions and/or standard practices and policies. Consults with senior engineers and/or supervisors on complex new assignments. Excellent written and verbal communication, team and people skills. Has the ability to cope in changing and ambiguous circumstances. Encourages and accepts personal feedback. Works as a willing team member taking direction and learning from others. Solves problems based on precedent and procedures. Technical Knowledge. Teamwork. Innovation and Learning. Solve Problems Make Decisions. Dedication to Customer Success.
Job Description:
The concept of the network as the platform for transforming life''s experiences is no longer a possibility: It is quickly becoming a reality. And Cisco is leading the experience.Cisco seeks a Software Engineer to define, design and build software for the Cisco products that generate significant revenue. You will champion new methodologies and creat scalable software solutions that interact with widely deployed Internet products, thereby touching an endless number of users worldwide. Be part of the Cisco organization that is driving the evolution and expansion into new technology areas and market segments. The ideal candidate demonstrates a system-level focus while understanding the impact of every component. Broad knowledge of and exposure to network protocols as well as embedded and real-time operating systems are essential for success in this role. Participate on a project team of engineers involved in development of software for Cisco products, that may include any of the following list of responsibilities: Write design specifications and functional specifications. Design, develop, enhance and maintain system software/ firmware, or diagnostic firmware for internetworking products (e.g. hubs, bridges, routers, or switches) in a UNIX / Solaris / Windows NT development environment. Write, port and maintain firmware and diagnostics for embedded controller designs. Follow standard design and implantation processes and procedures. Develops well-defined software modules. Perform well-defined unit, product level integration, and dev tests. Write portions of test plans. Debug sections of the subsystem.
Company Details:
Company Name: Acumen Software Technologies Limited
Profile: Cisco Systems, Inc. is the worldwide leader in networking for the Internet. Today, networks are an essential part of business, education, government and home communications, and Cisco Internet Protocol-based (IP) networking solutions are the foundation of these networks. Cisco hardware, software, and service offerings are used to create Internet solutions that allow individuals, companies, and countries to increase productivity, improve customer satisfaction and strengthen competitive advantage. The Cisco name has become synonymous with the Internet, as well as with the productivity improvements that Internet business solutions provide. At Cisco, our vision is to change the way people work, live, play and learn.
Cisco was founded in 1984 by a small group of computer scientists from Stanford University. Since the company's inception, Cisco engineers have been leaders in the development of Internet Protocol (IP)-based networking technologies. This tradition of IP innovation continues with industry-leading products in the core areas of routing and switching, as well as advanced technologies in areas such as:
Home Networking
Storage Networking
IP Telephony
Network Security
Wireless LAN
Today, with more than 34,000 employees worldwide, Cisco remains committed to creating networks that are smarter, thanks to built-in intelligent network services; faster, in their ability to perform at ever-increasing speeds; and more durable, with a generational approach to an evolutionary infrastructure.
Cisco was founded on a culture based on the principles of open communication, empowerment, trust, integrity, and giving back to the community, and these same values thrive at Cisco today.
Cisco Systems is one of the most innovative companies in the high-technology industry. We hire highly talented individuals who will continue Cisco global leadership in delivering networking products and solutions that help customers achieve their business goals.
Are you seeking a rewarding career at a company that influences the way people work, live, play, and learn? Are you ready to make a difference in the lives of people at work and at play worldwide? To discover the possibilities at Cisco, start your job search here.
Experience in Years: 0 - 4 Years
City/Location: Bengaluru/Bangalore
Qualfication: Any Graduate
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Software Developer
Functional Area: Systems, EDP, MIS
Skills Required:
Typically requires BSEE/CS or equivalent training with 0-2+ yrs related experience.Limited use and/or application of basic networking theories and concepts. Requires knowledge in one or more of the following LAN/WAN protocols: Ethernet, Token Ring, FDDI, HDLC, SDLC, X.25, PPP, Frame Relay, SS7, ISDN, TCP/IP, IPX, DECnet and AppleTalk. Requires knowledge of one or more of the following technologies: ATM Switching, Tag Switching, Voice/Video over IP or ATM. Strong UNIX, C (or C++), and script programming experience is essential. Experience in developing internetworking applications in a UNIX / Solaris / Windows NT development environment. Understand underlying networking technology of the related projects. Ability to solve routine problems at the module or multiple module level, based on knowledge of debugging and testing concepts. Proficiency with test equipment. Works under direction of a Team Lead or Manager. Follows specific, detailed instructions and/or standard practices and policies. Consults with senior engineers and/or supervisors on complex new assignments. Excellent written and verbal communication, team and people skills. Has the ability to cope in changing and ambiguous circumstances. Encourages and accepts personal feedback. Works as a willing team member taking direction and learning from others. Solves problems based on precedent and procedures. Technical Knowledge. Teamwork. Innovation and Learning. Solve Problems Make Decisions. Dedication to Customer Success.
Job Description:
The concept of the network as the platform for transforming life''s experiences is no longer a possibility: It is quickly becoming a reality. And Cisco is leading the experience.Cisco seeks a Software Engineer to define, design and build software for the Cisco products that generate significant revenue. You will champion new methodologies and creat scalable software solutions that interact with widely deployed Internet products, thereby touching an endless number of users worldwide. Be part of the Cisco organization that is driving the evolution and expansion into new technology areas and market segments. The ideal candidate demonstrates a system-level focus while understanding the impact of every component. Broad knowledge of and exposure to network protocols as well as embedded and real-time operating systems are essential for success in this role. Participate on a project team of engineers involved in development of software for Cisco products, that may include any of the following list of responsibilities: Write design specifications and functional specifications. Design, develop, enhance and maintain system software/ firmware, or diagnostic firmware for internetworking products (e.g. hubs, bridges, routers, or switches) in a UNIX / Solaris / Windows NT development environment. Write, port and maintain firmware and diagnostics for embedded controller designs. Follow standard design and implantation processes and procedures. Develops well-defined software modules. Perform well-defined unit, product level integration, and dev tests. Write portions of test plans. Debug sections of the subsystem.
Company Details:
Company Name: Acumen Software Technologies Limited
Profile: Cisco Systems, Inc. is the worldwide leader in networking for the Internet. Today, networks are an essential part of business, education, government and home communications, and Cisco Internet Protocol-based (IP) networking solutions are the foundation of these networks. Cisco hardware, software, and service offerings are used to create Internet solutions that allow individuals, companies, and countries to increase productivity, improve customer satisfaction and strengthen competitive advantage. The Cisco name has become synonymous with the Internet, as well as with the productivity improvements that Internet business solutions provide. At Cisco, our vision is to change the way people work, live, play and learn.
Cisco was founded in 1984 by a small group of computer scientists from Stanford University. Since the company's inception, Cisco engineers have been leaders in the development of Internet Protocol (IP)-based networking technologies. This tradition of IP innovation continues with industry-leading products in the core areas of routing and switching, as well as advanced technologies in areas such as:
Home Networking
Storage Networking
IP Telephony
Network Security
Wireless LAN
Today, with more than 34,000 employees worldwide, Cisco remains committed to creating networks that are smarter, thanks to built-in intelligent network services; faster, in their ability to perform at ever-increasing speeds; and more durable, with a generational approach to an evolutionary infrastructure.
Cisco was founded on a culture based on the principles of open communication, empowerment, trust, integrity, and giving back to the community, and these same values thrive at Cisco today.
Cisco Systems is one of the most innovative companies in the high-technology industry. We hire highly talented individuals who will continue Cisco global leadership in delivering networking products and solutions that help customers achieve their business goals.
Are you seeking a rewarding career at a company that influences the way people work, live, play, and learn? Are you ready to make a difference in the lives of people at work and at play worldwide? To discover the possibilities at Cisco, start your job search here.
Seminar Sept 2010
Manning Modern Retailing (MMR) 2010
23rd September 2010 | Hyatt Regency, Andheri (E), Mumbai
For more information please contact
Corporate office: Sanjayan Nair, Cell: +91 9819539780, Email:
Bhavesh Pitroda, Cell: +91 9867355551, Email:
Divya Kumar, Cell: +91 9821227626, Email:
Southern Region: D. Joice Smiling, Cell: +91 9360382852, Email:
K.Narendran, Cell: +91 9994334466, Email:
Northern Region: Brijesh Gangwar, Cell: +91 9910999899, Email:
23rd September 2010 | Hyatt Regency, Andheri (E), Mumbai
For more information please contact
Corporate office: Sanjayan Nair, Cell: +91 9819539780, Email:
Bhavesh Pitroda, Cell: +91 9867355551, Email:
Divya Kumar, Cell: +91 9821227626, Email:
Southern Region: D. Joice Smiling, Cell: +91 9360382852, Email:
K.Narendran, Cell: +91 9994334466, Email:
Northern Region: Brijesh Gangwar, Cell: +91 9910999899, Email:
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
sap jobs
EVENT DATE -05-JUNE (GURGAON) *** URGENT REQUIREMENTS OF SAP-ABAP / BASIS / FICO / MM / SD / PP / XI Consultant / SR.Consultant /Project Lead / SR. Project Lead ::Permanent Positions With One Of The Top Leading MNC-Across India- Shobhit From Best Infosystems Ltd.Delhi
USP of the Event : Both of the rounds (Technical+HR) on the same day .
Note 1:-Pls.send the Reply & confirmation only on these (, e-mail id's, having my name "Shobhit" in the subject line
Note 2:-Pls ignore the mail if you are a Contract Employee.
Hi ,
Greetings of the day!!
This is Shobhit From BestInfosystems Ltd.
EVENT DATE -05-JUNE (GURGAON) *** URGENT REQUIREMENTS OF SAP-ABAP / BASIS / FICO / MM / SD / PP / XI Consultant / SR.Consultant /Project Lead / SR. Project Lead ::Permanent Positions With One Of The Top Leading MNC-Across India- Shobhit From Best Infosystems Ltd.Delhi
Eligiblity Creteria:
Educational Backgroud: BE/B.TECH OR Any Master degree (Regular Only) .
Min. 3+Yrs of relevant SAP Consulting Exp.
Total Exp (IT +Non IT) Min 4 Yrs.
Min 1 Life cycle Implementation.
Should have Team lead / Project Lead Exp for Lead / Manager positions.
willing to travel.
Excellent Communication Skills.
Prefebly from Tier 1/2 Companies only.
Base Locations:Gurgaon/Noida,Pune,Banglore,Hydrabad,Kolkata,Chennai.(all locations)
Interview Locations:Gurgaon only For shortlisted candidates only.
We'll contact you up, once we will receive your updated and detailed CV along with reply of the following questions on the e-mail id's mentioned at the bottom of this mail .
Now, please do confirm whether you are open for these openings and forward your latest CV immediately,incorporating the following details :
# Your full name ( First : Middle : Last ) ( All expanded ) :
# Present Employer Name , Location & Date of Joining :
# Permanent / Contract Employee :
# Present Designation :
# Relocation preferences: if any :
# Present Salary :
# Expected Salary :
# Total IT & Non-IT experience in year & months ( Pls specify the Industry also ) :
# Total Non-IT (Domain) experience in year & months :( Pls specify the Industry also ) :
# Total IT experience in year & months :( Pls specify the Industry also ) :
# Total SAP Functional experience in years & months ( Pls specify the Industry also ) :
# Number of Implementations :
# Notice Period & Minimum Joining Time Required :
# DOB ( DD / MM / YY ) :
# Academic Background with Score,College,University & year of Passing( Xth onwards)( Mandatory for uploading on portals ) :
# Graduation / PG is regular Full-time / Correspondence , pls. specify :
# Name of College/ University of Graduation/ PG:
# Any education gap after Xth onwards till Yr highest qualification :
# Contact Details With Phone Nos. ( Res., Cell & Office ) :
# Your two alternate personal e-mail id's :
# Passport Status ( Y / N ) :
# Your complete address with area pin code:
# Two professional references (SAP)with their contact details:
Note : Pls. send the Reply & Confirmations only on (,, ) e-mail id's . Also pls do not change the subject matter)
PS: Please forward this e-mail to your colleagues or friends who might be interested in these opening.......
# We specialize in IT & Telecom recruitment in India & Overseas #
Hope that we make some difference to the world.
Hope that we help someone to move ahead in life.
Hope that we make someone realize their aspirations.
Hope that we help someone reach their dreams.
With Regards,
Shobhit ( 9654025048 )
Backup Contact:
Ashok Sachan
Best InfoSystems Ltd.
Cell : 09810333895 / 9811626895
E-mail : ,,
USP of the Event : Both of the rounds (Technical+HR) on the same day .
Note 1:-Pls.send the Reply & confirmation only on these (, e-mail id's, having my name "Shobhit" in the subject line
Note 2:-Pls ignore the mail if you are a Contract Employee.
Hi ,
Greetings of the day!!
This is Shobhit From BestInfosystems Ltd.
EVENT DATE -05-JUNE (GURGAON) *** URGENT REQUIREMENTS OF SAP-ABAP / BASIS / FICO / MM / SD / PP / XI Consultant / SR.Consultant /Project Lead / SR. Project Lead ::Permanent Positions With One Of The Top Leading MNC-Across India- Shobhit From Best Infosystems Ltd.Delhi
Eligiblity Creteria:
Educational Backgroud: BE/B.TECH OR Any Master degree (Regular Only) .
Min. 3+Yrs of relevant SAP Consulting Exp.
Total Exp (IT +Non IT) Min 4 Yrs.
Min 1 Life cycle Implementation.
Should have Team lead / Project Lead Exp for Lead / Manager positions.
willing to travel.
Excellent Communication Skills.
Prefebly from Tier 1/2 Companies only.
Base Locations:Gurgaon/Noida,Pune,Banglore,Hydrabad,Kolkata,Chennai.(all locations)
Interview Locations:Gurgaon only For shortlisted candidates only.
We'll contact you up, once we will receive your updated and detailed CV along with reply of the following questions on the e-mail id's mentioned at the bottom of this mail .
Now, please do confirm whether you are open for these openings and forward your latest CV immediately,incorporating the following details :
# Your full name ( First : Middle : Last ) ( All expanded ) :
# Present Employer Name , Location & Date of Joining :
# Permanent / Contract Employee :
# Present Designation :
# Relocation preferences: if any :
# Present Salary :
# Expected Salary :
# Total IT & Non-IT experience in year & months ( Pls specify the Industry also ) :
# Total Non-IT (Domain) experience in year & months :( Pls specify the Industry also ) :
# Total IT experience in year & months :( Pls specify the Industry also ) :
# Total SAP Functional experience in years & months ( Pls specify the Industry also ) :
# Number of Implementations :
# Notice Period & Minimum Joining Time Required :
# DOB ( DD / MM / YY ) :
# Academic Background with Score,College,University & year of Passing( Xth onwards)( Mandatory for uploading on portals ) :
# Graduation / PG is regular Full-time / Correspondence , pls. specify :
# Name of College/ University of Graduation/ PG:
# Any education gap after Xth onwards till Yr highest qualification :
# Contact Details With Phone Nos. ( Res., Cell & Office ) :
# Your two alternate personal e-mail id's :
# Passport Status ( Y / N ) :
# Your complete address with area pin code:
# Two professional references (SAP)with their contact details:
Note : Pls. send the Reply & Confirmations only on (,, ) e-mail id's . Also pls do not change the subject matter)
PS: Please forward this e-mail to your colleagues or friends who might be interested in these opening.......
# We specialize in IT & Telecom recruitment in India & Overseas #
Hope that we make some difference to the world.
Hope that we help someone to move ahead in life.
Hope that we make someone realize their aspirations.
Hope that we help someone reach their dreams.
With Regards,
Shobhit ( 9654025048 )
Backup Contact:
Ashok Sachan
Best InfoSystems Ltd.
Cell : 09810333895 / 9811626895
E-mail : ,,
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
New Jobs
Senior soft ware engineers :3.5 Yrs onwards ,
Team Leader: 5.5 Yrs Onwards ,
Associate Manager :8.8 Yrs Onwards ,
If you are interested, kindly send me your updated resume asap with following details:
Total Experience:
Relevant Experience in SAP :
no of implementations:
Notice Period:
Contact Number:
First Name:
Last Name:
Highest Qualification:
Current Location
Name of College/University:
Working as permanent or contract basis in present or past companies ( for everyone):
Kindly refer some persons too for this position as the requirement is very critical and huge as well.
Waiting for your reply asap.
Have a Nice Day !!!!!!
Warm Regards
Source One Management Services Pvt. Ltd.
Dir :080-43356716
email :
Team Leader: 5.5 Yrs Onwards ,
Associate Manager :8.8 Yrs Onwards ,
If you are interested, kindly send me your updated resume asap with following details:
Total Experience:
Relevant Experience in SAP :
no of implementations:
Notice Period:
Contact Number:
First Name:
Last Name:
Highest Qualification:
Current Location
Name of College/University:
Working as permanent or contract basis in present or past companies ( for everyone):
Kindly refer some persons too for this position as the requirement is very critical and huge as well.
Waiting for your reply asap.
Have a Nice Day !!!!!!
Warm Regards
Source One Management Services Pvt. Ltd.
Dir :080-43356716
email :
sap jobs
Positions Available:
Band 6 & Band 7
Experience: Minimum 3 Years in SAP.
All Locations
Reach out to me in case of queries.
Thanks & Regards,
Gaurav Ujlayan
Quadrangle IT Search
E-2, Sec-1, Noida (U.P.)
Ph.: +91 120 4304923 (D)| Mob : +91 9818752112
Band 6 & Band 7
Experience: Minimum 3 Years in SAP.
All Locations
Reach out to me in case of queries.
Thanks & Regards,
Gaurav Ujlayan
Quadrangle IT Search
E-2, Sec-1, Noida (U.P.)
Ph.: +91 120 4304923 (D)| Mob : +91 9818752112
sap jobs
Skill: should have 6 to 8 years of experience in SAP ABAP .
• Good in English and communication skills.
• Must have good analytical skills.
• Should be able to locate and resolve ABAP programming Issues.
• Should have experience in Support projects.
The knowledge in the following areas required.
SAP ABAP, SAPSCRIPTs, SmartForms, Classical and ALV reporting, Debugging
User Exits and Customer exits(CMOD, SMOD), BADI, BTE,
ABAP Dictionary, Batch Data Communication(BDC), BAPI,
Dialog Programming, Logical databases, Object Oriented ABAP. SAP workflow and XI knowledge will be an added advantage.
Should have knowledge of implementing ALE & IDOC scenarios.
Role :Teamlead
Job type :permanent
Kindly send me your profile with below details,
Please fill this filters mentioned below:-
Current Company & Location: -
Current Salary: -
Expected salary: -
Notice Period: -
Date Of Birth:-
Willingness to relocate: -
Total IT experience: -
Relevant experience in: -
contact :
• Good in English and communication skills.
• Must have good analytical skills.
• Should be able to locate and resolve ABAP programming Issues.
• Should have experience in Support projects.
The knowledge in the following areas required.
SAP ABAP, SAPSCRIPTs, SmartForms, Classical and ALV reporting, Debugging
User Exits and Customer exits(CMOD, SMOD), BADI, BTE,
ABAP Dictionary, Batch Data Communication(BDC), BAPI,
Dialog Programming, Logical databases, Object Oriented ABAP. SAP workflow and XI knowledge will be an added advantage.
Should have knowledge of implementing ALE & IDOC scenarios.
Role :Teamlead
Job type :permanent
Kindly send me your profile with below details,
Please fill this filters mentioned below:-
Current Company & Location: -
Current Salary: -
Expected salary: -
Notice Period: -
Date Of Birth:-
Willingness to relocate: -
Total IT experience: -
Relevant experience in: -
contact :
Friday, May 7, 2010
There is no age bar...follow your dreams..let other's laugh...
Why has the technology industry proven such fertile ground for young moguls?
"It doesn't take a lot of startup capital to start a tech business," says Mark Cuban, who earned a place on the Forbes 400 at the age of 40. "A PC, some smarts and some luck, and the next thing you know ..."
Cuban's model has worked for quite a number of tech prodigies. Steve Jobs cofounded Apple in his family's garage in 1976, with $1,300 cobbled together selling a calculator and a Volkswagen microbus. Apple's current market cap: $239 billion.
Zuckerberg famously started social networking site Facebook out of his Harvard dorm room in 2004. Although its revenues are kept under wraps, investors have bid as much as $42 per privately held share of Facebook, implying a value of $18.5 billion.
The flip side of this trend is that people tend to get ultra-rich at more advanced ages in businesses that require lots of capital, like real estate, casinos and art.
Wynn Resorts boss Steve Wynn built his Rich List-sized fortune at age 51 after more than two decades in the Las Vegas casino industry. Rival Sheldon Adelson, head of Las Vegas Sands, landed on the list at age 62 after 24 years in the trade show business and the acquisition of his first casino in his mid-50s. A swelling art market pushed collector Norman Braman onto the rich list at age 76.
Despite the appearance of a few youthful billionaires, the ranks of the world's rich are still rather mature. Last fall the average age of the America's 400 richest was 65.8, with 250 members, or just under two-thirds, qualifying for Social Security. Only 36 members, or 9%, were under age 50. Facebook's Zuckerberg was the youngest member at 25. The oldest? Media and private equity maven John Kluge, 95 years old.
Although some industries favor youth and others cater to experience, age is a minor factor in determining when (and if) one will achieve world-class wealth. Media matriarch Oprah Winfrey built a mega-fortune by age 41, Polo's Ralph Lauren at 47 and the Dallas Cowboys' Jerry Jones at 52. Investing gurus Carl Icahn and John Paulson each premiered on the 400 at age 51. What really maters: intelligence, creativity, drive--and luck.
"It doesn't take a lot of startup capital to start a tech business," says Mark Cuban, who earned a place on the Forbes 400 at the age of 40. "A PC, some smarts and some luck, and the next thing you know ..."
Cuban's model has worked for quite a number of tech prodigies. Steve Jobs cofounded Apple in his family's garage in 1976, with $1,300 cobbled together selling a calculator and a Volkswagen microbus. Apple's current market cap: $239 billion.
Zuckerberg famously started social networking site Facebook out of his Harvard dorm room in 2004. Although its revenues are kept under wraps, investors have bid as much as $42 per privately held share of Facebook, implying a value of $18.5 billion.
The flip side of this trend is that people tend to get ultra-rich at more advanced ages in businesses that require lots of capital, like real estate, casinos and art.
Wynn Resorts boss Steve Wynn built his Rich List-sized fortune at age 51 after more than two decades in the Las Vegas casino industry. Rival Sheldon Adelson, head of Las Vegas Sands, landed on the list at age 62 after 24 years in the trade show business and the acquisition of his first casino in his mid-50s. A swelling art market pushed collector Norman Braman onto the rich list at age 76.
Despite the appearance of a few youthful billionaires, the ranks of the world's rich are still rather mature. Last fall the average age of the America's 400 richest was 65.8, with 250 members, or just under two-thirds, qualifying for Social Security. Only 36 members, or 9%, were under age 50. Facebook's Zuckerberg was the youngest member at 25. The oldest? Media and private equity maven John Kluge, 95 years old.
Although some industries favor youth and others cater to experience, age is a minor factor in determining when (and if) one will achieve world-class wealth. Media matriarch Oprah Winfrey built a mega-fortune by age 41, Polo's Ralph Lauren at 47 and the Dallas Cowboys' Jerry Jones at 52. Investing gurus Carl Icahn and John Paulson each premiered on the 400 at age 51. What really maters: intelligence, creativity, drive--and luck.
Fresher's Job
HCL Tech IT Walkimn May - 8 | Oracle IT Walkin | Hexaware Tech, KPIT Cumm, Unisys Recruits IT Graduates experienced. com/b2067
Cognizant Tech ITWalkin May 7 - 8 | Unisys IT Walkin | L&t Infotech, Fidelity, Emerson Recruits IT Graduates experienced. com/b2066
Tech Mahindra IT Walkin May - 8 | Patni, Binary Semantics, Oracle, CSC Recruits IT Graduates experienced. com/b2065
Accenture IT Walkin May - 8 | HCL Tech IT Walkin | L&T Infotech, Rolta, SunGard Tech Recruits IT Graduates experienced. com/b2064
L&T Infotech IT Walkin May - 8 | Oracle IT Walkin | iGATE, Wipro Tech, Honeywell Recruits IT Graduates experienced. com/b2063 experienced. com/b2067
Cognizant Tech ITWalkin May 7 - 8 | Unisys IT Walkin | L&t Infotech, Fidelity, Emerson Recruits IT Graduates experienced. com/b2066
Tech Mahindra IT Walkin May - 8 | Patni, Binary Semantics, Oracle, CSC Recruits IT Graduates experienced. com/b2065
Accenture IT Walkin May - 8 | HCL Tech IT Walkin | L&T Infotech, Rolta, SunGard Tech Recruits IT Graduates experienced. com/b2064
L&T Infotech IT Walkin May - 8 | Oracle IT Walkin | iGATE, Wipro Tech, Honeywell Recruits IT Graduates experienced. com/b2063
sap jobs
Below are the Open positions. PLS LET US KNOW IF YOU ARE AVAILABEL FOR I/W ON 08-5-2010 AT CHENNAI.
SAP Technical
ABAP Web Dynpro
HR ,MM,FI,PP,,Basis
Basis – Security / Solution Manager
Interested, pls forward your CVs immediately for further
Below are the Open positions. PLS LET US KNOW IF YOU ARE AVAILABEL FOR I/W ON 08-5-2010 AT CHENNAI.
SAP Technical
ABAP Web Dynpro
HR ,MM,FI,PP,,Basis
Basis – Security / Solution Manager
Interested, pls forward your CVs immediately for further
Cooking Jobs
Tired of going to jobs you hate? Love great food?
Why not become a Chef?
Click Here to learn more about Culinary School.
Who knows? You could even become the next great Celebrity Chef!
Why not become a Chef?
Click Here to learn more about Culinary School.
Who knows? You could even become the next great Celebrity Chef!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
sap abap jobs
Hope you are doing well !!
( Kindly ignore this mail if you are already working with Accenture )
( Kindly ignore this mail if your CV is already forwarded for Accecture I/V during last 3 Months)
We are looking for candidates on "SAP ABAP" Professionals for Bangalore work location for Sr.Project Lead / Asst Manager position (7.5 to 15 yrs. exp.) for Accenture ( employment.
(There would be Telephonic round of interview on Short Notice).
Kindly send your latest updated resume along with below filled in inputs asap so that we can process it further for the interview.
Have you Attended any Accenture interview/Processed Your CV for Accenture i/v in the last three months (Y/N) :
Present Location :
Work location -Sr.Project Lead /Asst. Manager :Bangalore
Present Company Name :
Total IT Exp :
Total SAP ABAP Exp :
Present Role :
Academic Qualifications :
Current CTC :
Expected CTC :
Total Team Size :
Total Onsite Exp (if any) :
Notice Period :
Contact No. to attend Telephonic Interview :
Kindly send your updated cv asap so that we process it further.
Also refer us few of your colleagues and friends who would be interested for the same.
Thanks and Regards
Manoj Pant
Source One Management Services Pvt. Ltd.
Delhi-17, India
Delhi Helpline no.- 09717148867
Delhi Office: 011-40502120
url : Hi !
Hope you are doing well !!
( Kindly ignore this mail if you are already working with Accenture )
( Kindly ignore this mail if your CV is already forwarded for Accecture I/V during last 3 Months)
We are looking for candidates on "SAP ABAP" Professionals for Bangalore work location for Sr.Project Lead / Asst Manager position (7.5 to 15 yrs. exp.) for Accenture ( employment.
(There would be Telephonic round of interview on Short Notice).
Kindly send your latest updated resume along with below filled in inputs asap so that we can process it further for the interview.
Have you Attended any Accenture interview/Processed Your CV for Accenture i/v in the last three months (Y/N) :
Present Location :
Work location -Sr.Project Lead /Asst. Manager :Bangalore
Present Company Name :
Total IT Exp :
Total SAP ABAP Exp :
Present Role :
Academic Qualifications :
Current CTC :
Expected CTC :
Total Team Size :
Total Onsite Exp (if any) :
Notice Period :
Contact No. to attend Telephonic Interview :
Kindly send your updated cv asap so that we process it further.
Also refer us few of your colleagues and friends who would be interested for the same.
Thanks and Regards
Manoj Pant
Source One Management Services Pvt. Ltd.
Delhi-17, India
Delhi Helpline no.- 09717148867
Delhi Office: 011-40502120
url :
( Kindly ignore this mail if you are already working with Accenture )
( Kindly ignore this mail if your CV is already forwarded for Accecture I/V during last 3 Months)
We are looking for candidates on "SAP ABAP" Professionals for Bangalore work location for Sr.Project Lead / Asst Manager position (7.5 to 15 yrs. exp.) for Accenture ( employment.
(There would be Telephonic round of interview on Short Notice).
Kindly send your latest updated resume along with below filled in inputs asap so that we can process it further for the interview.
Have you Attended any Accenture interview/Processed Your CV for Accenture i/v in the last three months (Y/N) :
Present Location :
Work location -Sr.Project Lead /Asst. Manager :Bangalore
Present Company Name :
Total IT Exp :
Total SAP ABAP Exp :
Present Role :
Academic Qualifications :
Current CTC :
Expected CTC :
Total Team Size :
Total Onsite Exp (if any) :
Notice Period :
Contact No. to attend Telephonic Interview :
Kindly send your updated cv asap so that we process it further.
Also refer us few of your colleagues and friends who would be interested for the same.
Thanks and Regards
Manoj Pant
Source One Management Services Pvt. Ltd.
Delhi-17, India
Delhi Helpline no.- 09717148867
Delhi Office: 011-40502120
url : Hi !
Hope you are doing well !!
( Kindly ignore this mail if you are already working with Accenture )
( Kindly ignore this mail if your CV is already forwarded for Accecture I/V during last 3 Months)
We are looking for candidates on "SAP ABAP" Professionals for Bangalore work location for Sr.Project Lead / Asst Manager position (7.5 to 15 yrs. exp.) for Accenture ( employment.
(There would be Telephonic round of interview on Short Notice).
Kindly send your latest updated resume along with below filled in inputs asap so that we can process it further for the interview.
Have you Attended any Accenture interview/Processed Your CV for Accenture i/v in the last three months (Y/N) :
Present Location :
Work location -Sr.Project Lead /Asst. Manager :Bangalore
Present Company Name :
Total IT Exp :
Total SAP ABAP Exp :
Present Role :
Academic Qualifications :
Current CTC :
Expected CTC :
Total Team Size :
Total Onsite Exp (if any) :
Notice Period :
Contact No. to attend Telephonic Interview :
Kindly send your updated cv asap so that we process it further.
Also refer us few of your colleagues and friends who would be interested for the same.
Thanks and Regards
Manoj Pant
Source One Management Services Pvt. Ltd.
Delhi-17, India
Delhi Helpline no.- 09717148867
Delhi Office: 011-40502120
url :
sap jobs
I would like to take opportunity to introduce you with the current requirement for one of the Top MNC for { SAP } :
The opening is for :
Senior soft ware engineers :3.5 Yrs onwards ,
Team Leader: 5.5 Yrs Onwards ,
Associate Manager :8.8 Yrs Onwards ,
If you are interested, kindly send me your updated resume asap with following details:
Total Experience:
Relevant Experience in SAP :
no of implementations:
Notice Period:
Contact Number:
First Name:
Last Name:
Highest Qualification:
Current Location
Name of College/University:
Working as permanent or contract basis in present or past companies ( for everyone):
Kindly refer some persons too for this position as the requirement is very critical and huge as well.
Waiting for your reply asap.
Have a Nice Day !!!!!!
Warm Regards
Source One Management Services Pvt. Ltd.
Dir :080-43356716
email :
The opening is for :
Senior soft ware engineers :3.5 Yrs onwards ,
Team Leader: 5.5 Yrs Onwards ,
Associate Manager :8.8 Yrs Onwards ,
If you are interested, kindly send me your updated resume asap with following details:
Total Experience:
Relevant Experience in SAP :
no of implementations:
Notice Period:
Contact Number:
First Name:
Last Name:
Highest Qualification:
Current Location
Name of College/University:
Working as permanent or contract basis in present or past companies ( for everyone):
Kindly refer some persons too for this position as the requirement is very critical and huge as well.
Waiting for your reply asap.
Have a Nice Day !!!!!!
Warm Regards
Source One Management Services Pvt. Ltd.
Dir :080-43356716
email :
sap jobs
requirement of "ABAP Consultant" with one of our prestigious MNC Client having their offices in USA, Australia (Sydney)And India (Gurgaon)
Designation – Sr. ABAP Consultant
Work Location – India (Gurgaon)
Position – Contract to Hire ( 6 Months contract)
Salary - OPEN
Designation - ABAP HR Consultant
Work Location – Australia (Sydney)
Position – Contract to Hire
Salary – OPEN
Kindly send your updated resume at along with the following details
1. Position applied for “Sr. ABAP Consultant” OR “ABAP HR Consultant”?
2. Current Company & Location?
3. Permanent/Contract Employee?
4. Total/Relevant Experience?
5. Current Designation?
6. Time to Join.
7. Your current CTC
8. Your expected ECTC
9. Your contact no(s)(Moblie/Residence)
10. Date of Birth
11. Willing to relocate?
12. If applied for Australia work location, do you have a Australian work permit?
13. If Contractual, When is your contract getting over?
14. Passport Number?
15. Refer any employee for this position(Name, Number, email)?
Luzdel Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd.
Designation – Sr. ABAP Consultant
Work Location – India (Gurgaon)
Position – Contract to Hire ( 6 Months contract)
Salary - OPEN
Designation - ABAP HR Consultant
Work Location – Australia (Sydney)
Position – Contract to Hire
Salary – OPEN
Kindly send your updated resume at along with the following details
1. Position applied for “Sr. ABAP Consultant” OR “ABAP HR Consultant”?
2. Current Company & Location?
3. Permanent/Contract Employee?
4. Total/Relevant Experience?
5. Current Designation?
6. Time to Join.
7. Your current CTC
8. Your expected ECTC
9. Your contact no(s)(Moblie/Residence)
10. Date of Birth
11. Willing to relocate?
12. If applied for Australia work location, do you have a Australian work permit?
13. If Contractual, When is your contract getting over?
14. Passport Number?
15. Refer any employee for this position(Name, Number, email)?
Luzdel Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Wanted Mechanical Supervisor For Pune's Leading manufacturing Company
Qualification : B.E / DIPLOMA MECHANICAL
Solicits : Entire World
Contact : Viren Khandekar (View user's ads)
Mobile : 9422659250
Qualification : B.E / DIPLOMA MECHANICAL
Solicits : Entire World
Contact : Viren Khandekar (View user's ads)
Mobile : 9422659250
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Hotel Jobs
Oxforf Hotel in London United Kingdom.We have employment opportunities in all Hospitality,Catering,Clerical, administrative and engineering positions, The management of Sheraton Hotel need qualified and experience Candidates to fill up various positions below:
1. Business Manager
2. Associate Business Manager
3. Marketing Manager
4. Civil Engineer
5. Associate Marketing Manager
6. Chef De Partie
7. Electronics and Technical Engineer
8. Electronics and Network Engineer
9. Associate Account Officer
10. Front Desk Supervisor
11. F & B Manager
12. Customer Relation Officer
13. Housekeeping Executive / Assistant
15. Front Office / Guest Relations Executive / Manager
16. Travel Desk Manager
18. Asst Manager/F&B
19. Account Officer
20. Office Assistant
22. Associate Account Officer
23. Hotel Nurse
24. Junior Relationship Manager
25. Electrical/electronic Engineers
26. Associate Administration Manager
27. Business Analyst
28. Sales and Marketing Manager/Assistant
29. Assistant Restaurant Manager
30. Finance Manager
31. Associate Finance Manager
32. Senior Relationship Manager
33. Executive / Master Chef
34. Maintenance and Technical Engineer
35. Maintenance and Technical Engineer(Mechanical Option)
36. Maintenance and Technical Engineer(Electrical Option)
37. Room Attendant
38. Mechanical Engineer
39 Laundry Manager
40. Medical Assistant
41 Security Guard
42.Chief Security Officer(Must have experience in Related Field)
43.Store Keeper
NOTE:Applicants who do not receive our mail directly are not permited to apply as each mail has its reference number assigned to it.Also,recipients of this mail are not permitted to send it to friends and relatives for application as such will lead to disqualification of both applicants.Recipients should forward their updated resumes/CV in microsoft word attached document to the recruitment officer via the details below:
Mr.Nick Panayi
Best Wishes.
13-14 Craven Terrace
London W2 3QD, United Kingdom
1. Business Manager
2. Associate Business Manager
3. Marketing Manager
4. Civil Engineer
5. Associate Marketing Manager
6. Chef De Partie
7. Electronics and Technical Engineer
8. Electronics and Network Engineer
9. Associate Account Officer
10. Front Desk Supervisor
11. F & B Manager
12. Customer Relation Officer
13. Housekeeping Executive / Assistant
15. Front Office / Guest Relations Executive / Manager
16. Travel Desk Manager
18. Asst Manager/F&B
19. Account Officer
20. Office Assistant
22. Associate Account Officer
23. Hotel Nurse
24. Junior Relationship Manager
25. Electrical/electronic Engineers
26. Associate Administration Manager
27. Business Analyst
28. Sales and Marketing Manager/Assistant
29. Assistant Restaurant Manager
30. Finance Manager
31. Associate Finance Manager
32. Senior Relationship Manager
33. Executive / Master Chef
34. Maintenance and Technical Engineer
35. Maintenance and Technical Engineer(Mechanical Option)
36. Maintenance and Technical Engineer(Electrical Option)
37. Room Attendant
38. Mechanical Engineer
39 Laundry Manager
40. Medical Assistant
41 Security Guard
42.Chief Security Officer(Must have experience in Related Field)
43.Store Keeper
NOTE:Applicants who do not receive our mail directly are not permited to apply as each mail has its reference number assigned to it.Also,recipients of this mail are not permitted to send it to friends and relatives for application as such will lead to disqualification of both applicants.Recipients should forward their updated resumes/CV in microsoft word attached document to the recruitment officer via the details below:
Mr.Nick Panayi
Best Wishes.
13-14 Craven Terrace
London W2 3QD, United Kingdom
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Fresher's Job
Contact Details:
Company Name: Steria India Ltd
Website:Executive Name: Steria
Address: C-2,Sec 1
NOIDA,Uttar Pradesh,India 201301
Email Address:
Telephone: 91-120-1
Reference ID: Steria Daily Walkin for Graduate Trainee’s
Company Name: Steria India Ltd
Website:Executive Name: Steria
Address: C-2,Sec 1
NOIDA,Uttar Pradesh,India 201301
Email Address:
Telephone: 91-120-1
Reference ID: Steria Daily Walkin for Graduate Trainee’s
Fresher's Job
Contact Details:
Company: R Systems International Ltd
R Systems International Ltd.
C-40, Sector 59
Noida 201307 (UP)
Contact: Sanjay Sharma
Reference: Trainee
Company: R Systems International Ltd
R Systems International Ltd.
C-40, Sector 59
Noida 201307 (UP)
Contact: Sanjay Sharma
Reference: Trainee
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
sap jobs
World top rated MNC calling SAP Technical Professionals(ABAPers) on contract
for 11 months in Orissa_on the payroll of Best Infosystems Ltd.
Note 1 :-Pls. send CV & reply only on these (,,
e-mail id's.
for 11 months in Orissa_on the payroll of Best Infosystems Ltd.
Note 1 :-Pls. send CV & reply only on these (,,
e-mail id's.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Sap Jobs
Required ABAP Consultant, having experience in reports, forms, conversions, interfaces etc. The details are mentioned below.
Skills: ABAP, ALE/IDOC, Reports, forms, interfaces, conversions, enhancement.
Experience: 3+ Yrs
Location: Hyderabad.
ASM Technologies Ltd.
80/2, Lusanne Court, Richmond Road.
RIL- 9342673561
Skills: ABAP, ALE/IDOC, Reports, forms, interfaces, conversions, enhancement.
Experience: 3+ Yrs
Location: Hyderabad.
ASM Technologies Ltd.
80/2, Lusanne Court, Richmond Road.
RIL- 9342673561
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