contributed by AUTHOR: Prof Anand Singh
(This model paper has been designed for practice purpose only and author and publisher have no legal obligations if the same questions appears in the university exam. )
(BTECH / MCA-5th sem. )
Note : Few questions are extra which is not the part of BTECH Syllabus,
Q1. What are the qualities of good team members for a web project.
Q2. Define the following with suitable examples:
(i) Web applications
(ii) Target Users.
Q3.why was the need for cyber laws? Explain Indian cyber laws.
Q4.Explain various protocols governing the web.
Q5.Discuss the various factors which are to be addressed while designing websites for
Q6.What is team dynamic explain with suitable example.
Q7.Show the structure of an HTML page with some basic tags. Embed a table in it.
Give examples.
Q8 .Define CSS. What is the use of class and SPAN tag explain with example.
Q9. Discuss the design of railway reservation application using HTML
Q10.Develop an HTML and java script document to calculate the factorial of a
Given number.
Q11.Develop an HTML and java script document to evaluate the roots of a quadratic
Equations. Explain each step clearly.
Q12.Design a HTML page and java script code to check whether the entered number
Is prime or not.
Q13.How the growth of web has taken place in the past decade?
Q14.“There are certain protocols for communication between networks” Discuss?
Q15.Differentiate between core team members, extended team members and specialized team members?
Q16.What do mean by cross-functional team member?
Q17.Discuss the core skills required in web team formation ?.
Q18. What are the qualities of good web project.
Q19. Define the following with suitable examples:
i. market research
ii. web project.
Q20.what are international cyber laws? Explain
Q21. Explain the following protocol. i. http ii. Smtp iii. Tcp/ip iv. telnet v. gopher
Q22.Discuss the various factors which are to be addressed while designing websites.
Q23.What is team dynamic explain with suitable example.
Q24.explain sub and functional procedure in vbscript.
Q25. what is the difference between java and javascript.
Q26.differentiate between vbscript and javascript.
Q27.what are forms, how are forms are created for a website. What is the function of submit button on a form.
Q28. Discuss the design of railway reservation application using HTML.
Q29. Write javascript program that finds the smallest of given N integers.
Q30. your website requires some entries to be filled in by the visitor. These entries may be his or her name and password. So you are required to create a form how would you create such a form. Using javascript give the following validations on the form:
i. the name should not be numbers or special symbols and length of the name field should be 30 characters.
ii. the password field should have the size of 10 characters.
Q31 (.i)What is XML ?What are the feature of XML. how it is differ from HTML .
(ii).What is valid and well formed XML document. Explain with example ?
Q32.(i). What is DTD ? Explain with suitable example ?
(ii).What is parser ? explain DOM and SAX
Q33.What is ajax ? why do we use ajax in web application. How we make the
xmlHttpRequest object. Explain example ?
Q34.Write a HTML document with javascript to count the number of vowels in a text
Typed in a text area.
Q35. Write a program in java script to make a telephone directory .it has a select box
To select a name and find the phone number in text box.
Q36). What do mean by COLSPAN and ROWSPAN in table tag explain with example?
Q37 What are the advantage of using external style sheet? Explain with example.
Q38. What do mean by DTD ? why are they used.
Q39. differentiate between SAX and DOM parsers.
Q40. What do mean by valid and well form XML document ?Differentiate between XML and HTML .
Q41.What do you mean by AJAX ? write the code to create XMLHttpRequestObject.
Q42. What do you mean by an Event ? how event handling is done in javascript ?
Explain with example.
Q43. Write a javascript function int findsum(f) to find the sum of first n prime
Q44. Write a program in javascript to find the factorial of given number.
Q45. Write a program in javascript to generate the Fibonacci series.
Q46.Write short note on ASP?
Q47. Write a program in JSP to connecting to the Database?
Q48. How session is handle in JSP explain with example?
Q49. Write a program in JSP to access the JAVA BEAN ?
Q50. Write short note on
i. COM ii. DCOM
Q51. How file is uploaded in php explain with example ?
Q52. What is Error ? how Error handling is done in php explain with example ?
Q53. What is Filter ? how many type of filter finds in php explain with example ?
Q54. What is exception ? How exception can handle in php explain with example ?
Q55. Write a program to connect the php to Database using ODBC.
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