contributed by AUTHOR: Prof Anand Singh
(This model paper has been designed for practice purpose only and author and publisher have no legal obligations if the same questions appears in the university exam. )
(BTECH / MCA-3rd sem. )
Note : Few questions are extra which is not the part of BTECH Syllabus,
(Q 1)What is internet ? Explain the history of Internet?
(Q2)Write short note on following protocol of web,
(i). Http (ii). SMTP (iii). FTP (iv). Telnet (v ) Gopher
(Q3) write short note on
i. Broadband connection ii. Satellite Connection
(Q4) What is E-mail? What are the advantage of Email.
(Q5) Explain Vedio and Voice conferencing.
(Q6)What is Isp? How many types we can connect to the internet?
(Q7) Explain the following protocol.
i. SMTP ii. POP iii. TCP/IP iv. telnet
(Q8). Explain the netiquettes of email.
(Q9). What are the feature of object oriented programming Explain.
(Q10). What are the java buzzwords explain in brief.
(Q11).What are the different types of Data types found in java Explain with
Suitable example. Explain different types of variable found in java.
(Q12).write short note on .
i. java virtual machine. ii. Byte code iii. JRE iv. Garbage collector.
iv. java tokens.
(Q13). write the following program in java
i. to find factorial of a number
ii. to find the Fibonacci series
(Q14).Write a program in java to show the PUSH and POP operation in stack.
( Q15). What is the difference between abstract class and interface. Explain with
suitable example.
(Q16). What is Exception ? how you handle the exception in java. Give the partial
Hierarchy of exception. Give suitable example.
Q17. What is the difference between overriding and overloading a method? Explain with suitable Examples ?
Q18. What is the difference between implicit and explicit import statement ? Which one take less Time for compilation and why ?
Q19. What is multithreading ? Explain the life cycle of thread with suitable example?
Q20. What is Exception and Exception handling ? Explain with suitable example.
Q21.Write an application program in java to find the sum of the digits of a given number.
For example, if the given number is 12345, the sum of the digits is 1+2+3+4+5=15.
Q22.When do we declare a method or class abstract ? Explain with Example.
Q23.Write a java program to find the Armstrong numbers, the sum of the cubes of the individual Digits gave the same number. For example:
153=13 + 53+33=1+125+27=153
Q24. What is Stream ? What are different types of stream classes explain?
Q25 Design a class to represent account, including the following
Data members.
i. Name of the depositor------String
ii. Account Number--------int
iii. Type of account------double
a). To assign initial values (using constructor)
(b).To deposit an amount after checking balance and minimum balance is 50.
(c)To display the name of the depositor and balance.
Q26. Explain the following method ?
i. Suspend()
ii. Resume()
iii. Wait ()
iv. Notify()
v. notifyAll()
vi. yield()
Q27. Give the difference between following
i. final and finally
ii. super and this
iii. throw and throws
Q28.What is Wrapper class? Explain with example.
Q29. What is socket ? Explain client and server socket with example.
Q30. What is the difference between array and vector.
Q31 b) What is string differentiate between
vii. string and string buffer. (ii) equals and = =
Q32 .( i)What is applet ? What is the life cycle of Applet. Explain ?
( ii). Write a applet program and pass the parameter in it using PARAM TAG ?
Q33 ( i)Explain Inheritance , Encapsulation and Polymorphism ?
(ii).What is object and Class in java Explain with example?
Q34 (i) What is Exception Handling? What is the difference between checked and
Unchecked Exception?
(ii)Write a program in java to implement matrix multiplication?
Q35 What is Event ? how event handling is done java .Write a program to handle
the Event of Mouse?
Q36 Write a program in java to PUSH and POP in Stack.
Q37.What is Stream ? Explain the Stream classes with example.
Q38.What are Layout Manager ? Explain different types of layout manager?
Q39. What is JDBC. the different types of driver found in java ?
Q40 What is Swing ? how it is differ Explain from awt. Write a program to handle
Checkbox Event using swing.
Q41.Explain the following
i. DriverManager ii ResultSet iii. Connection iv. Class.forName().
Q42.Write a Java program to display the month names by JList and display the Days by JComboBox.
Q43 What is java Bean ? What are the advantages of java bean?
Q44 Write short note on following
Q45( i) Jar files (ii). Introspection (iii) Bound properties
Q46 What is RMI ? explain the architecture of RMI.
Q47. What is EJB ? what are the advantages of EJB.
Q48 . differentiate between
Q49. What are java servlet ? what is the life cycle of servlet.
Q50. What is Cookie ? why it is need to create it. Explain with example.
Q51. What is HTTP Redirect ? Explain with suitable example.
Q52. differentiate between
i doGet() and doPost(). ii Generic Servlet and HTTP servlet.
Q53 . write short note on JSP.
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