contributed by AUTHOR: Prof Anand Singh
(This model paper has been designed for practice purpose only and author and publisher have no legal obligations if the same questions appears in the university exam. )
(BTECH / MCA-3rd sem. )
Note : Few questions are extra which is not the part of BTECH Syllabus,
(Q 1)What is internet ? Explain the history of Internet?
(Q2)Write short note on following protocol of web,
(i). Http (ii). SMTP (iii). FTP (iv). Telnet (v ) Gopher
(Q3) write short note on
i. Broadband connection ii. Satellite Connection
(Q4) What is E-mail? What are the advantage of Email.
(Q5) Explain Vedio and Voice conferencing.
(Q6)What is Isp? How many types we can connect to the internet?
(Q7) Explain the following protocol.
i. SMTP ii. POP iii. TCP/IP iv. telnet
(Q8). Explain the netiquettes of email.
(Q9). What are the feature of object oriented programming Explain.
(Q10). What are the java buzzwords explain in brief.
(Q11).What are the different types of Data types found in java Explain with
Suitable example. Explain different types of variable found in java.
(Q12).write short note on .
i. java virtual machine. ii. Byte code iii. JRE iv. Garbage collector.
iv. java tokens.
(Q13). write the following program in java
i. to find factorial of a number
ii. to find the Fibonacci series
(Q14).Write a program in java to show the PUSH and POP operation in stack.
( Q15). What is the difference between abstract class and interface. Explain with
suitable example.
(Q16). What is Exception ? how you handle the exception in java. Give the partial
Hierarchy of exception. Give suitable example.
Q17. What is the difference between overriding and overloading a method? Explain with suitable Examples ?
Q18. What is the difference between implicit and explicit import statement ? Which one take less Time for compilation and why ?
Q19. What is multithreading ? Explain the life cycle of thread with suitable example?
Q20. What is Exception and Exception handling ? Explain with suitable example.
Q21.Write an application program in java to find the sum of the digits of a given number.
For example, if the given number is 12345, the sum of the digits is 1+2+3+4+5=15.
Q22.When do we declare a method or class abstract ? Explain with Example.
Q23.Write a java program to find the Armstrong numbers, the sum of the cubes of the individual Digits gave the same number. For example:
153=13 + 53+33=1+125+27=153
Q24. What is Stream ? What are different types of stream classes explain?
Q25 Design a class to represent account, including the following
Data members.
i. Name of the depositor------String
ii. Account Number--------int
iii. Type of account------double
a). To assign initial values (using constructor)
(b).To deposit an amount after checking balance and minimum balance is 50.
(c)To display the name of the depositor and balance.
Q26. Explain the following method ?
i. Suspend()
ii. Resume()
iii. Wait ()
iv. Notify()
v. notifyAll()
vi. yield()
Q27. Give the difference between following
i. final and finally
ii. super and this
iii. throw and throws
Q28.What is Wrapper class? Explain with example.
Q29. What is socket ? Explain client and server socket with example.
Q30. What is the difference between array and vector.
Q31 b) What is string differentiate between
vii. string and string buffer. (ii) equals and = =
Q32 .( i)What is applet ? What is the life cycle of Applet. Explain ?
( ii). Write a applet program and pass the parameter in it using PARAM TAG ?
Q33 ( i)Explain Inheritance , Encapsulation and Polymorphism ?
(ii).What is object and Class in java Explain with example?
Q34 (i) What is Exception Handling? What is the difference between checked and
Unchecked Exception?
(ii)Write a program in java to implement matrix multiplication?
Q35 What is Event ? how event handling is done java .Write a program to handle
the Event of Mouse?
Q36 Write a program in java to PUSH and POP in Stack.
Q37.What is Stream ? Explain the Stream classes with example.
Q38.What are Layout Manager ? Explain different types of layout manager?
Q39. What is JDBC. the different types of driver found in java ?
Q40 What is Swing ? how it is differ Explain from awt. Write a program to handle
Checkbox Event using swing.
Q41.Explain the following
i. DriverManager ii ResultSet iii. Connection iv. Class.forName().
Q42.Write a Java program to display the month names by JList and display the Days by JComboBox.
Q43 What is java Bean ? What are the advantages of java bean?
Q44 Write short note on following
Q45( i) Jar files (ii). Introspection (iii) Bound properties
Q46 What is RMI ? explain the architecture of RMI.
Q47. What is EJB ? what are the advantages of EJB.
Q48 . differentiate between
Q49. What are java servlet ? what is the life cycle of servlet.
Q50. What is Cookie ? why it is need to create it. Explain with example.
Q51. What is HTTP Redirect ? Explain with suitable example.
Q52. differentiate between
i doGet() and doPost(). ii Generic Servlet and HTTP servlet.
Q53 . write short note on JSP.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
contributed by AUTHOR: Prof Anand Singh
(This model paper has been designed for practice purpose only and author and publisher have no legal obligations if the same questions appears in the university exam. )
(BTECH / MCA-5th sem. )
Note : Few questions are extra which is not the part of BTECH Syllabus,
Q1. What are the qualities of good team members for a web project.
Q2. Define the following with suitable examples:
(i) Web applications
(ii) Target Users.
Q3.why was the need for cyber laws? Explain Indian cyber laws.
Q4.Explain various protocols governing the web.
Q5.Discuss the various factors which are to be addressed while designing websites for
Q6.What is team dynamic explain with suitable example.
Q7.Show the structure of an HTML page with some basic tags. Embed a table in it.
Give examples.
Q8 .Define CSS. What is the use of class and SPAN tag explain with example.
Q9. Discuss the design of railway reservation application using HTML
Q10.Develop an HTML and java script document to calculate the factorial of a
Given number.
Q11.Develop an HTML and java script document to evaluate the roots of a quadratic
Equations. Explain each step clearly.
Q12.Design a HTML page and java script code to check whether the entered number
Is prime or not.
Q13.How the growth of web has taken place in the past decade?
Q14.“There are certain protocols for communication between networks” Discuss?
Q15.Differentiate between core team members, extended team members and specialized team members?
Q16.What do mean by cross-functional team member?
Q17.Discuss the core skills required in web team formation ?.
Q18. What are the qualities of good web project.
Q19. Define the following with suitable examples:
i. market research
ii. web project.
Q20.what are international cyber laws? Explain
Q21. Explain the following protocol. i. http ii. Smtp iii. Tcp/ip iv. telnet v. gopher
Q22.Discuss the various factors which are to be addressed while designing websites.
Q23.What is team dynamic explain with suitable example.
Q24.explain sub and functional procedure in vbscript.
Q25. what is the difference between java and javascript.
Q26.differentiate between vbscript and javascript.
Q27.what are forms, how are forms are created for a website. What is the function of submit button on a form.
Q28. Discuss the design of railway reservation application using HTML.
Q29. Write javascript program that finds the smallest of given N integers.
Q30. your website requires some entries to be filled in by the visitor. These entries may be his or her name and password. So you are required to create a form how would you create such a form. Using javascript give the following validations on the form:
i. the name should not be numbers or special symbols and length of the name field should be 30 characters.
ii. the password field should have the size of 10 characters.
Q31 (.i)What is XML ?What are the feature of XML. how it is differ from HTML .
(ii).What is valid and well formed XML document. Explain with example ?
Q32.(i). What is DTD ? Explain with suitable example ?
(ii).What is parser ? explain DOM and SAX
Q33.What is ajax ? why do we use ajax in web application. How we make the
xmlHttpRequest object. Explain example ?
Q34.Write a HTML document with javascript to count the number of vowels in a text
Typed in a text area.
Q35. Write a program in java script to make a telephone directory .it has a select box
To select a name and find the phone number in text box.
Q36). What do mean by COLSPAN and ROWSPAN in table tag explain with example?
Q37 What are the advantage of using external style sheet? Explain with example.
Q38. What do mean by DTD ? why are they used.
Q39. differentiate between SAX and DOM parsers.
Q40. What do mean by valid and well form XML document ?Differentiate between XML and HTML .
Q41.What do you mean by AJAX ? write the code to create XMLHttpRequestObject.
Q42. What do you mean by an Event ? how event handling is done in javascript ?
Explain with example.
Q43. Write a javascript function int findsum(f) to find the sum of first n prime
Q44. Write a program in javascript to find the factorial of given number.
Q45. Write a program in javascript to generate the Fibonacci series.
Q46.Write short note on ASP?
Q47. Write a program in JSP to connecting to the Database?
Q48. How session is handle in JSP explain with example?
Q49. Write a program in JSP to access the JAVA BEAN ?
Q50. Write short note on
i. COM ii. DCOM
Q51. How file is uploaded in php explain with example ?
Q52. What is Error ? how Error handling is done in php explain with example ?
Q53. What is Filter ? how many type of filter finds in php explain with example ?
Q54. What is exception ? How exception can handle in php explain with example ?
Q55. Write a program to connect the php to Database using ODBC.
contributed by AUTHOR: Prof Anand Singh
(This model paper has been designed for practice purpose only and author and publisher have no legal obligations if the same questions appears in the university exam. )
(BTECH / MCA-5th sem. )
Note : Few questions are extra which is not the part of BTECH Syllabus,
Q1. What are the qualities of good team members for a web project.
Q2. Define the following with suitable examples:
(i) Web applications
(ii) Target Users.
Q3.why was the need for cyber laws? Explain Indian cyber laws.
Q4.Explain various protocols governing the web.
Q5.Discuss the various factors which are to be addressed while designing websites for
Q6.What is team dynamic explain with suitable example.
Q7.Show the structure of an HTML page with some basic tags. Embed a table in it.
Give examples.
Q8 .Define CSS. What is the use of class and SPAN tag explain with example.
Q9. Discuss the design of railway reservation application using HTML
Q10.Develop an HTML and java script document to calculate the factorial of a
Given number.
Q11.Develop an HTML and java script document to evaluate the roots of a quadratic
Equations. Explain each step clearly.
Q12.Design a HTML page and java script code to check whether the entered number
Is prime or not.
Q13.How the growth of web has taken place in the past decade?
Q14.“There are certain protocols for communication between networks” Discuss?
Q15.Differentiate between core team members, extended team members and specialized team members?
Q16.What do mean by cross-functional team member?
Q17.Discuss the core skills required in web team formation ?.
Q18. What are the qualities of good web project.
Q19. Define the following with suitable examples:
i. market research
ii. web project.
Q20.what are international cyber laws? Explain
Q21. Explain the following protocol. i. http ii. Smtp iii. Tcp/ip iv. telnet v. gopher
Q22.Discuss the various factors which are to be addressed while designing websites.
Q23.What is team dynamic explain with suitable example.
Q24.explain sub and functional procedure in vbscript.
Q25. what is the difference between java and javascript.
Q26.differentiate between vbscript and javascript.
Q27.what are forms, how are forms are created for a website. What is the function of submit button on a form.
Q28. Discuss the design of railway reservation application using HTML.
Q29. Write javascript program that finds the smallest of given N integers.
Q30. your website requires some entries to be filled in by the visitor. These entries may be his or her name and password. So you are required to create a form how would you create such a form. Using javascript give the following validations on the form:
i. the name should not be numbers or special symbols and length of the name field should be 30 characters.
ii. the password field should have the size of 10 characters.
Q31 (.i)What is XML ?What are the feature of XML. how it is differ from HTML .
(ii).What is valid and well formed XML document. Explain with example ?
Q32.(i). What is DTD ? Explain with suitable example ?
(ii).What is parser ? explain DOM and SAX
Q33.What is ajax ? why do we use ajax in web application. How we make the
xmlHttpRequest object. Explain example ?
Q34.Write a HTML document with javascript to count the number of vowels in a text
Typed in a text area.
Q35. Write a program in java script to make a telephone directory .it has a select box
To select a name and find the phone number in text box.
Q36). What do mean by COLSPAN and ROWSPAN in table tag explain with example?
Q37 What are the advantage of using external style sheet? Explain with example.
Q38. What do mean by DTD ? why are they used.
Q39. differentiate between SAX and DOM parsers.
Q40. What do mean by valid and well form XML document ?Differentiate between XML and HTML .
Q41.What do you mean by AJAX ? write the code to create XMLHttpRequestObject.
Q42. What do you mean by an Event ? how event handling is done in javascript ?
Explain with example.
Q43. Write a javascript function int findsum(f) to find the sum of first n prime
Q44. Write a program in javascript to find the factorial of given number.
Q45. Write a program in javascript to generate the Fibonacci series.
Q46.Write short note on ASP?
Q47. Write a program in JSP to connecting to the Database?
Q48. How session is handle in JSP explain with example?
Q49. Write a program in JSP to access the JAVA BEAN ?
Q50. Write short note on
i. COM ii. DCOM
Q51. How file is uploaded in php explain with example ?
Q52. What is Error ? how Error handling is done in php explain with example ?
Q53. What is Filter ? how many type of filter finds in php explain with example ?
Q54. What is exception ? How exception can handle in php explain with example ?
Q55. Write a program to connect the php to Database using ODBC.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
contributed by AUTHOR: Prof Gajendra Sharma
(This model paper has been designed for practice purpose only and author and publisher have no legal obligations if the same questions appears in the university exam. )
Note : Few questions are extra which is not the part of BTECH Syllabus,
Q1. Discuss the Analysis of Selection Sort Algorithm?
Q2. Execute the Merge Sort/ Quicksort on given data(data as provided)?
Q3. Give the Counting Sort Algorithm?
Q4.Show that n/k sublists , each of length k can be sorted by insertion sort in Ө(nk) worst case time?
Q5. Prove the following
(i) log(n!) = Ө(nlogn)
(ii) (n+a) pow(b) = Ө( n pow(b) )
Q6. Find each asymptotic of the following
(i) f(n) = n pow(10) ; g(n) = 2 pow( n/2)
(ii) f(n) = n pow(3/2) ; g(n) = n log(pow(2)) (n)
(iii) f(n) = log (n pow(3)) ; g(n) = log(n)
(iv) f(n) = log( 3pow( n)) ; g(n) = (log 2pow(n))
Q7. Prove using the asymptotic definition of theta notation
F(N) + G(N) = MAX( Ө (F(N), G(N))
Q8. Insert the following keys into an initially empty AVL Tree
30, 40, 24, 11, 13, 10, 58, 26, 48
Q9. Solve the Following Recurrence
(i) T(n) = T(n-1) + n 4
(ii) T( n) = T(n/2) + T (n/3 ) + n
(iii) T (n) = 3T ( n 1 / 3) + log 3 n
(iv) T ( n) = T (an) + T ((1-a)n) + n
Q10. Write HEAP-DELETE(A, i) which deletes the item in in node i from heap A..
Q11. Prove that the heap can be constructed in Ό(n) time.
Q12. Rank the following in the order of growth :-
(3/2)pow(n) , (2/3)pow(n), 2pow(2pow(n)) , e pow(n) , 2n!
Q13. Prove that any decision tree that sorts n elements has height Ω( nlogn)
Q14. Show that there are floor(3n/) – 2 comparisons are necessary for finding maximum and minimum of n numbers simultaneously.
Q15.Problems on INORDER, PREORDER, POSTORDER Traversal.
Q16. Construct a Binary Tree from the following
Q16. Write an algorithm for QUEUE using two STACKS.
Q17. In a 2-Tree if n(E) is number of external nodes and n(I) is the number of internal nodes then prove that n(E) = n(I) + 1, if E and I are external and internal path lengths and n is the number of internal nodes.
Q18 Prove that height of binary tree is logn.
Q19. Define RB-Tree and Give the algorithm for RB-TREE-INSERT
Q21. How do we AUGMENT the Data Structure , explain and give appropriate algorithms to prove it.
Q22. What do you mean by Dynamic Programming , explain with example.
Q23. Give the LCS Algorithm using Dynamic Programming.
Q24. Solve the following using TSP using the branch and bound Technique.
Q25. Give the GRAPH COLORING Algorithm.
Q26. Give the BFS/DFS Algorithm ?
Q27. Find the optimal solution to the knapsack instance and also give the greedy-knapsack algorithm
(P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7)=(10,5,15,7,6,18,3), (W1,W2,W3,W4,W5,W6,W7)= (2,3,5,7,1,4,1)
Q28. what do you mean by amortized cost , give the MULTIPOP Algoithm.
Q29. Show the result of inserting the following keys into an empty B-Tree
F, S, Q, K, C, L, H, T, V, W, M, R, N, P, A, B, X, Y, D, Z, E, G, I of order 5.
Q30. Define Binomial Heap and Give algorithm for BINOMIAL-HEAP-UNION?
Q31. Give the FIBONACCI-HEAP-DELETE Algorithm?
Q32. Define the following:-
Strongly Connected Graph, Articulation Points, Bridges
Q33. Give an efficient Algorithm to prove that the graph is Bipartite?
Q34. Give the Correctness of PRIM’s and KRUSKAL Algorithm
Q34. How Will you detect a CYCLE in the given graph , Give the Algorithm for it?
Q34. Give the NQUEENS Algorithm ?
Q35. Solve the given graph for finding MST and give its Algorithm?
Q36. Give the Belman Ford Algorithm ?
Q37. Modify the Floyd-Warshal Algorithm for detecting Cycle in the graph?
Q38. Solve the given graph for finding the Maximum Flow?
Q39. What is Bitonic Sorting Network, explain.
Q40. Explain Chinese Remainder Theorem
Q41. Give the Strassen’s Matrix Multiplication Algorithm ?
Q42. Define NP, NP-Complete and NP-Hard problem
Q43. Give the Subset Sum Algorithm.
Q44. What is Clique , prove that it NP Problem
Q45. Find the prefix of the following and give COMPUTE-PREFIX Algorithm
Q46. What is Convex Hul Give the Graham Scan’s Algorithm?
Q47. Give the RSA Cryptography Algorithm?
Q48. Give the Euclid Algorithm?
Q49. Give the FFT Algorithm?
Q50. Draw 11- item hash table resulting from hashing the keys 12, 4, 13, 88, 23, 94, 11, 39, 20, 16 and 5 using the hash function h(i) = (2i + 5) mod 11.
Q51. Define €-Approximation and Absolute Approximation?
Q52. Prove that in a k – ordered Binomial Tree there are at most k C I nodes at level I , where C represents Binomial.
(This model paper has been designed for practice purpose only and author and publisher have no legal obligations if the same questions appears in the university exam. )
Note : Few questions are extra which is not the part of BTECH Syllabus,
Q1. Discuss the Analysis of Selection Sort Algorithm?
Q2. Execute the Merge Sort/ Quicksort on given data(data as provided)?
Q3. Give the Counting Sort Algorithm?
Q4.Show that n/k sublists , each of length k can be sorted by insertion sort in Ө(nk) worst case time?
Q5. Prove the following
(i) log(n!) = Ө(nlogn)
(ii) (n+a) pow(b) = Ө( n pow(b) )
Q6. Find each asymptotic of the following
(i) f(n) = n pow(10) ; g(n) = 2 pow( n/2)
(ii) f(n) = n pow(3/2) ; g(n) = n log(pow(2)) (n)
(iii) f(n) = log (n pow(3)) ; g(n) = log(n)
(iv) f(n) = log( 3pow( n)) ; g(n) = (log 2pow(n))
Q7. Prove using the asymptotic definition of theta notation
F(N) + G(N) = MAX( Ө (F(N), G(N))
Q8. Insert the following keys into an initially empty AVL Tree
30, 40, 24, 11, 13, 10, 58, 26, 48
Q9. Solve the Following Recurrence
(i) T(n) = T(n-1) + n 4
(ii) T( n) = T(n/2) + T (n/3 ) + n
(iii) T (n) = 3T ( n 1 / 3) + log 3 n
(iv) T ( n) = T (an) + T ((1-a)n) + n
Q10. Write HEAP-DELETE(A, i) which deletes the item in in node i from heap A..
Q11. Prove that the heap can be constructed in Ό(n) time.
Q12. Rank the following in the order of growth :-
(3/2)pow(n) , (2/3)pow(n), 2pow(2pow(n)) , e pow(n) , 2n!
Q13. Prove that any decision tree that sorts n elements has height Ω( nlogn)
Q14. Show that there are floor(3n/) – 2 comparisons are necessary for finding maximum and minimum of n numbers simultaneously.
Q15.Problems on INORDER, PREORDER, POSTORDER Traversal.
Q16. Construct a Binary Tree from the following
Q16. Write an algorithm for QUEUE using two STACKS.
Q17. In a 2-Tree if n(E) is number of external nodes and n(I) is the number of internal nodes then prove that n(E) = n(I) + 1, if E and I are external and internal path lengths and n is the number of internal nodes.
Q18 Prove that height of binary tree is logn.
Q19. Define RB-Tree and Give the algorithm for RB-TREE-INSERT
Q21. How do we AUGMENT the Data Structure , explain and give appropriate algorithms to prove it.
Q22. What do you mean by Dynamic Programming , explain with example.
Q23. Give the LCS Algorithm using Dynamic Programming.
Q24. Solve the following using TSP using the branch and bound Technique.
Q25. Give the GRAPH COLORING Algorithm.
Q26. Give the BFS/DFS Algorithm ?
Q27. Find the optimal solution to the knapsack instance and also give the greedy-knapsack algorithm
(P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7)=(10,5,15,7,6,18,3), (W1,W2,W3,W4,W5,W6,W7)= (2,3,5,7,1,4,1)
Q28. what do you mean by amortized cost , give the MULTIPOP Algoithm.
Q29. Show the result of inserting the following keys into an empty B-Tree
F, S, Q, K, C, L, H, T, V, W, M, R, N, P, A, B, X, Y, D, Z, E, G, I of order 5.
Q30. Define Binomial Heap and Give algorithm for BINOMIAL-HEAP-UNION?
Q31. Give the FIBONACCI-HEAP-DELETE Algorithm?
Q32. Define the following:-
Strongly Connected Graph, Articulation Points, Bridges
Q33. Give an efficient Algorithm to prove that the graph is Bipartite?
Q34. Give the Correctness of PRIM’s and KRUSKAL Algorithm
Q34. How Will you detect a CYCLE in the given graph , Give the Algorithm for it?
Q34. Give the NQUEENS Algorithm ?
Q35. Solve the given graph for finding MST and give its Algorithm?
Q36. Give the Belman Ford Algorithm ?
Q37. Modify the Floyd-Warshal Algorithm for detecting Cycle in the graph?
Q38. Solve the given graph for finding the Maximum Flow?
Q39. What is Bitonic Sorting Network, explain.
Q40. Explain Chinese Remainder Theorem
Q41. Give the Strassen’s Matrix Multiplication Algorithm ?
Q42. Define NP, NP-Complete and NP-Hard problem
Q43. Give the Subset Sum Algorithm.
Q44. What is Clique , prove that it NP Problem
Q45. Find the prefix of the following and give COMPUTE-PREFIX Algorithm
Q46. What is Convex Hul Give the Graham Scan’s Algorithm?
Q47. Give the RSA Cryptography Algorithm?
Q48. Give the Euclid Algorithm?
Q49. Give the FFT Algorithm?
Q50. Draw 11- item hash table resulting from hashing the keys 12, 4, 13, 88, 23, 94, 11, 39, 20, 16 and 5 using the hash function h(i) = (2i + 5) mod 11.
Q51. Define €-Approximation and Absolute Approximation?
Q52. Prove that in a k – ordered Binomial Tree there are at most k C I nodes at level I , where C represents Binomial.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Requirement Of Systems Engineer At Cisco Systems Delhi Cisco Systems is hiring Systems Engineer
Experience in Years: 0-1 Years
City/Location: Delhi
Qualification: Any Graduate
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Associate/Sr. Associate -(Technical)
City/Location: Delhi
Qualification: Any Graduate
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Associate/Sr. Associate -(Technical)
Requirement Of C++ Developer At MS Technology DelhiMS Technology is hiring Software Developer. Overview:
Experience in Years: 1-3 Years
City/Location: Delhi
Qualification: B.Tech/B.E., M.Tech, MCA
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: C++ Software Developer
City/Location: Delhi
Qualification: B.Tech/B.E., M.Tech, MCA
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: C++ Software Developer
(Walk-In) Walk In Interview For BE / B.TECH / M.C.A Fresher At DCKAP Technologies ChennaiDCKAP Technologies is hiring Software Developer
Experience in Years: 0Year
City/Location: Chennai
Qualification: Any Graduate
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Fresher
City/Location: Chennai
Qualification: Any Graduate
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Fresher
Requirement Of PHP Programmers At eVenturers Solutions Pvt. Ltd PondicherryeVenturers Solutions Pvt. is hiring Software Developer
Experience in Years: 0-5 Years
City/Location: Pondicherry
Qualification: B.Tech/B.E., M.Tech, M.Sc.
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Software Developer
City/Location: Pondicherry
Qualification: B.Tech/B.E., M.Tech, M.Sc.
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Software Developer
Requirement Of Software Engineer At Krish Radiant Solutions HyderabadKrish Radiant Solutions is hiring Software Developer
Experience in Years: 1-3 Years
City/Location: Hyderabad / Secunderabad
Qualification: Any Graduate
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Software Developer
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Qualification: Any Graduate
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Designation: Software Developer
Requirement Of Senior Dot Net Devloper At MSI system India Pvt. Ltd Chandigarh MSI system India Pvt. Ltd is hiring Software Developer
Experience in Years: 1-3 Years
City/Location: Chandigarh
Qualification: Any Graduate
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Software Developer
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Qualification: Any Graduate
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Software Developer
Short Service Commissioned Officer In The Logistics Cadre Of Executive Branch Course Commencing – Jul 2011
Applications are invited from unmarried male and female candidates for grant of Short Service Commission (SSC) in the Logistics Cadre of Executive Branch of the Indian Navy for Course commencing Jul 2011 at the Indian Naval Academy (INA), Ezhimala, Kerala. Candidates to fulfil condition of nationality as laid down by the Government of India.
Age: 19½ to 25 years born between 02 Jul 1986 and 01 Jan 1992; (both dates inclusive).
Educational Qualifications:
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Age: 19½ to 25 years born between 02 Jul 1986 and 01 Jan 1992; (both dates inclusive).
Educational Qualifications:
A First Class Degree with minimum 60% aggregate marks for the following:
Requirement Of Sr. Software Engineer At Azri Solutions Pvt. Ltd HyderabadAzri Solutions Pvt. Ltd is hiring Software Developer.
Experience in Years: 1-4 Years
City/Location: Hyderabad / Secunderabad
Qualification: B. Tech/B.E.
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Software Developer
City/Location: Hyderabad / Secunderabad
Qualification: B. Tech/B.E.
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Software Developer
Requirement Of .Net Developers At InteractCRM MumbaiInteractCRM is hiring Software Developer.Overview:
Experience in Years: 1-4 Years
City/Location: Mumbai
Salary: Rupees 2,25,000 - 5,00,000
Qualification: Any Graduate
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Software Developer
City/Location: Mumbai
Salary: Rupees 2,25,000 - 5,00,000
Qualification: Any Graduate
Category: IT-Software/ Software Services
Designation: Software Developer
Engineers India Limited
Engineers India Limited
(A Govt. of India Undertaking)
1, Bhikaiji Cama Place, New Delhi 110066
Adv No:HRD/RECTT/ADVT/2010-11/04
Last Date of Submission of Application: 23.12.2010
Engineers India Limited, a premier engineering consultancy & turnkey contracting organisation executing projects in the fields of refineries, petrochemicals, pipelines, offshore, metallurgy, infrastructure & fertilizer etc., requires 80 nos. (tentative) Specialists / Professionals for various disciplines / departments:
Specialists / Professionals for various disciplines / departments: 80 Posts
Sub Surface Projects (Rock Mechanics/ Engg. Geology)
Construction (Safety/ Welding / Survey/Warehouse)
Plant Operations & Safety
Metallurgy (Technology/ Engineering & Construction)
HR (Training & Development / Administration)
City Gas Distribution
Finance & Accounts
Company Secretariat
(A Govt. of India Undertaking)
1, Bhikaiji Cama Place, New Delhi 110066
Adv No:HRD/RECTT/ADVT/2010-11/04
Last Date of Submission of Application: 23.12.2010
Engineers India Limited, a premier engineering consultancy & turnkey contracting organisation executing projects in the fields of refineries, petrochemicals, pipelines, offshore, metallurgy, infrastructure & fertilizer etc., requires 80 nos. (tentative) Specialists / Professionals for various disciplines / departments:
Specialists / Professionals for various disciplines / departments: 80 Posts
Sub Surface Projects (Rock Mechanics/ Engg. Geology)
Construction (Safety/ Welding / Survey/Warehouse)
Plant Operations & Safety
Metallurgy (Technology/ Engineering & Construction)
HR (Training & Development / Administration)
City Gas Distribution
Finance & Accounts
Company Secretariat
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